
Showing posts from January, 2016

Emotional Intelligence...Or the lack thereof of it Nigerian households. A few days ago I came across a few tweets (by @fantabender) that spoke about the lack of an emotional climate in Nigerian homes. He mentioned how the lack of it can screw you up in so many ways and we have to hold our parents accountable for how they treat us. "Nothing is gained from the mentality that they are beyond critique" Now these tweets caught my interest because not too long ago I had tweeted something akin to that - well more about how Nigerian parents don't realize how much they contribute to our "fucked-upness" (because we all are in some way or the other) and I had also had a conversation with my cousin about it. First off, Emotional Intelligence is defined as: the ability of individuals to recognize their own and other people's  emotions , to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use  emotional  information to guide thinking and behavior. For most Nigerian households, s...

PowerBall Mania

Did you play ?  Everytime I think about it, I am like that is a shit load of money, what do you even do with that much ? How do we even know we aren't being 419'd ?  If you ever came into that amount of money do you have an idea what you would do with it ?  I'd like to know. Have a good rest of the week.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year folks. Hope everyone had a good holiday and is ready to go back to the real world in the new year. If you are reading this then that means you made it into the year and that's something to be thankful for. I just got back from Nigeria yesterday. Man, no matter how many times I do it, that flight is such a long flight sha. I was so glad to be home. People are usually so up in arms about people making New Year resolutions and such and I don't know why. There is a reason we have markers such as birthdays and anniversaries, if people choose to reset or be better in the New Year, I don't see what the problem is. I am still on the fence about New Year resolutions because if nothing else I have learned that life is what happens while making plans and you say you wanna do this and that and you get swept into something completely different but at the same time it doesn't hurt to have goals. I don't want to say 2015 was a terrible year but it was more like ...