Emotional Intelligence...Or the lack thereof of it
...in Nigerian households. A few days ago I came across a few tweets (by @fantabender) that spoke about the lack of an emotional climate in Nigerian homes. He mentioned how the lack of it can screw you up in so many ways and we have to hold our parents accountable for how they treat us. "Nothing is gained from the mentality that they are beyond critique" Now these tweets caught my interest because not too long ago I had tweeted something akin to that - well more about how Nigerian parents don't realize how much they contribute to our "fucked-upness" (because we all are in some way or the other) and I had also had a conversation with my cousin about it. First off, Emotional Intelligence is defined as: the ability of individuals to recognize their own and other people's emotions , to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. For most Nigerian households, s...