
Showing posts from April, 2017


Anything worth having in life begins by taking a risk.   Risk is the Universe's way of pushing us to become more than what we are.   Risk is faith at the edge.   Risk is the pulsating essence of life.   Without risk, we are automatons going through our days with no purpose or meaning.  We are safer, perhaps but we are also ironically, closer to death.

2 Years

Today marked the second anniversary of my mom's death. There is a one week span between her birthday and her death so this year it (birthday) fell on Sunday which I didn't know was the UK and Naija mother's day, so that was like eek. It's been an emotionally nerve wracking few months but you goes on. It's been a weird emotion. I think at the back of my mind the countdown to the anniversary always begins from the start of the year and automatically takes me back to January of the year she died and how we felt every month to her death till then. Kinda like replaying it over. I still replay the day she died a lot in my head and everything I did that day right down to what I wore. It's ironic that at the moment she probably took her last breath, I had just deposited money for her hospital bills. When she first passed, I got a lot of "it never goes away but it gets easier" and 2 years down I can't say that I have reached that level (and ...