Happy New Year - 2021 Edition
Happy New Year, Good People@ I don't think I have anything that holds weight for this. 2020 was a year like no other. Personally and globally. The one thing I took from it was that God does have my back. You would understand how huge this is because not long ago, you may have heard me say that I wasn't sure God hears me when I speak to him and he probably sends me to voicemail. When I look back on this year, God is the only explanation as to how I made it through. I honestly had a decent year overall but a majority of it was riddled with anxiety. I don't think I want to spend too much time on 2020. Let me talk about 2021. I've seen in a couple of places instead of a new year resolution or in addition to a new year resolution, having a word of the year and I think I settled on one - Progressive. I want a progressive year. I want to progress as a person, as a sister, as a wife, as a friend (sorry as a sidebar, I was about to write daughter and I stopped because am I still...