Happy New Year - 2021 Edition

Happy New Year, Good People@

I don't think I have anything that holds weight for this. 2020 was a year like no other. Personally and globally. The one thing I took from it was that God does have my back. You would understand how huge this is because not long ago, you may have heard me say that I wasn't sure God hears me when I speak to him and he probably sends me to voicemail. When I look back on this year, God is the only explanation as to how I made it through. I honestly had a decent year overall but a majority of it was riddled with anxiety. I don't think I want to spend too much time on 2020. Let me talk about 2021.

I've seen in a couple of places instead of a new year resolution or in addition to a new year resolution, having a word of the year and I think I settled on one - Progressive.

I want a progressive year. I want to progress as a person, as a sister, as a wife, as a friend (sorry as a sidebar, I was about to write daughter and I stopped because am I still a daughter? I am not a daughter to anyone anymore, so does that lose power as an adjective of who I am?) As a podcaster, as a blogger, as an employee. Anyways, I could go on but just in general, I want to move the line on my life.

It's very easy to stay stagnant. Very easy to complain and lay blame on whoever. And very easy to lose track of who you are as a person and get lost in the chaos of the world. I say this all the time but being a human, especially in this day and age is hella overwhelming. There is just so much to think about. So many things to consider and make a decision on. I've spoken in the past about being intentional so I hope to incorporate that in my quest to be progressive.

I want COVID to leave. No honestly, I need it to leave. It has been so disruptive and wreaked havoc that came with sadness and death. I hope we are able to contain it but looking at knuckleheads, that may be a long thing. I want a smooth transition with the Presidency but as I type this I am seeing this bloody senators threaten our democracy by standing against the electoral college voting and I am tired. I am tired of the bad guys winning and having us be the casualties for their selfish decisions.

I wish for my loved ones and everyone of you love, life, good health and happiness. Please remember to be kind to yourselves and each other. Be bold, be brave. Do things that make your heart sing and take joy in anything that makes you happy because life is indeed short. It's not a cliche anymore. It is. We are at that age. Love your parents. Let them know you love them.

Thank you guys for being on this ride with me, this is year 13 or 14? not sure, of me blogging and I appreciate every one that still reads and comments (even though, these are almost non existent). Thank you Thank you and hope you have a wonderful new year. Muah!


mizchif said…
The first thing i was going to type is "You will always be a daughter" But i guess i pondered a little more and i'm like hmmmmmm....

I like Progressive.
I hope 2021 gives you more reasons to remember that God has your back.
Thank you for continuing to write.
Some of us shall always continue to read.

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