Taking Responsibility (?)
So I love Michael Buble. MB has a new song out called "Haven't met you yet". The song is pretty much about the quest for love but one line in the song stood out to me. MB sings, " I'm not surprised, not everything lasts, I've broken my heart so many times, I've stopped keeping track ". Ok so I liked the fact that he used "I" instead of "She". See as humans we always say, she/he broke my heart. But his use of I made me think that he probably used it the right way. At what point do we take responsiblity in our part for a break up. I mean I am sure there are exceptions when one party is totally blindsided but in most cases I think we can equate it to same way we say noone can hurt your feelings unless you let them, can this be applied to this too? Bear with me cuz I haven't fully thought this out.Like I said, I am sure there are blindside situations but for the most part there are signs(right?) and if we choose to ignore them an...