25 things I've learned in my 20's
As you may have observed, I seem to have lost my blogging mojo. I just can't think of anything to blog about. If you guys have any suggestions, please feel free to help a sister out. Anyways, my friend shared this link today and some of you may have already seen it cuz it's like a week old but I thought truer words were never spoken and I figured i'd share with y'all. You can’t date a jerk and expect to turn them into a good person. Jerks are fully committed to being unpleasant. Those brief moments of tenderness they give you are designed to trip you up and give you false hope. It’s best to stay away altogether. ---- #Truth The rumors are true: your metabolism does slow down as you get older! That means if you’re still eating whatever you want, there’s a good chance you’ll start to gain an awkward amount of weight. It won’t be too drastic but your clothes will start to hang differently on your body and you’ll feel an overall feeling of unattractiveness. Start to be...