Friday Randoms

Hiya folks. Long time no see. Summer is here! I love summer. Feels good to walk out the door and feel the sun on my skin instead of bitter cold winds. You will never catch me complaining about summer afterall for those of us who grew up in Naij, this was the weather we had all year round. I just got back from an awesome vacation but it has slowly faded to a memory as work just hit me in full force. I had like 5 back to back meetings today and I got home so drained. The 9-5 life can drain you sha. Just dealing with the corporate bs takes all the energy out of you. Let's random:

I have a recollection of randoming this before but it's my random and I will repeat if I want to. Our generation like to think that they are all open minded and non judgmental but there's a side eye when someone says they are not having sex or waiting till marriage.

Is it so terrible to say "if I get married" vs. "when I get married". Why do Nigerians think it's speaking ill will vs. really not knowing what your future holds?

I just finished reading this book called The 7 Levels of Intimacy (which I recommend to everyone especially anyone in a relationship). I don't know that it said anything so new but I liked how it broke down things. One of the things addressed was how success in a lot of things requires discipline but a lot of us don't want to apply it. Which is why we are always looking for quick fixes eg a quick way to lose weight vs the discipline required to eat less and work out more.

There was this thread on twitter that asked what was the craziest bible story to you? A lot of the responses just made me think that it's best not to scrutinize Christianity and the Bible with your brain because you would totally be left scratching your head

There are some things I see on social media that I know I would NEVER share but you know, sharing is relative. There are some things I am okay sharing that someone else would probably think is too much. Anyways, my point is there are some really open people and I have to say I admire them. There's something that seems so liberating about baring everything.

I don't know about you guys but most of the guys I have dated have been so closed off. When I was younger, I fooled myself into thinking that it was sexy and mysterious but now that my eyes have shined, I think it's such a stupid thing. Saying "that's how guys are" is also stupid. Fight me.

It's annoying when you have a big ass and people reduce you to just your ass. Guy hollers - oh, of course he did, look at all that ass or why are you single with all that ass you are packing? Ugh

I am so fascinated by Married at First Sight. In a recent episode one of the ladies said something that struck my soul. "It's so easy to love me during my lovable moments but I just realized that I have never had someone love me through my unlovable moments". Deep.

Wonder how catfish became synonymous with duping someone. Why those two creatures? cat and fish? why wasn't it something else like dogcrab? or horsecricket?

Unpopular opinion: on some level, I think eloping is a tad bit selfish. I totally get the no money for a big wedding angle but I think a dinner or a little party of loved ones is always doable. You guys know I have a thing about people all over you during their bad times and ditching you once they are situated and happy again. I think a celebration with all the people who care about you and who have been there through the bad and rough relationships is only right.

You know how I say people never see you the way you see yourself. Most people think they are a good person but what if you are not?

That's all I got for ya. Have a wonderful weekend. Take advantage of the great weather and be safe!


Swanboy said…
About gaddem time.

I can understand people who elope. It doesn't preclude celebrating with folks though.

"It's annoying when you have a big ass and people reduce you to just your ass. Guy hollers - oh, of course he did, look at all that ass or why are you single with all that ass you are packing? Ugh"

This is a good problem to have :)

neuyogi said…
Lol at shining eye to closed off men no longer being mysterious and sexy. I was hoping one of your commenters can shed more light to the "if vs when I get married".

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