Happy New Year

Happy New Year guys. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I had a wonderful holiday and a reminder that family is everything. The only bad part about the holidays is post-holidays when you have to go back to reality and face all the aftermath of the things you pretended didn't exist - work, calories, bills/bank account, real life everything.

There's a sect of people every year who question people that choose to see the new year as a fresh start and say what's different? every day regardless of date can be a day for a fresh start. I don't see why it matters. To each their own. There is a reason we have markers in life - birthdays, anniversaries etc. it's just how it works. You can't pick and choose.

I like to see the new year as a fresh start but as the years go by it has become depressing because each year I seem to be faced with seeing my failures vs. my accomplishments (since people like to tell me they exist). I remember the first time I saw the saying "The more things change, the more things stay the same" and I asked what it meant and now I COMPLETELY understand what it means even if I might not be able to explain it.

A friend gave me a 5 year journal in her words so I can see the progress when things finally turn around for me. But the thing is seeing the same things year after year with no turn around doesn't help my mental state.

But the thing about life is it never stops. As people and life progress and you feel stuck, life won't stop for you because you aren't special. Just one more living being in this vast expanse called the universe. So there's no choice but to keep on trucking and hope for a miraculous breakthrough.

So as I sit here pondering my future and feeling scared and uncertain, I still say here's to 2018 and as usual, here's to hoping for a better year because another thing about life to never forget is that, it could turn for better or for worse in a second. Here's to hoping for the better.

Happy New Year.

P.S Please check out my new book blog www.twonightstands.com.  Tell a friend and follow if you can. Thanks!


Swanboy said…
"But the thing about life is it never stops. As people and life progress and you feel stuck, life won't stop for you because you aren't special. Just one more living being in this vast expanse called the universe. So there's no choice but to keep on trucking and hope for a miraculous breakthrough."

Aint that the truth! I'm rooting for you.

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