Saturday Randoms

It's my blog and I can bend the rules right? Today was one of those days. It wasn't a great day. Do you guys ever wonder why life has to be so hard and complicated? or is it just me? Are there people who find life not that hard and uncomplicated? Show yourself and also tag me in! Sigh.

Anyways, I feel fall around the corner. The weather gets a bit nippy in the mornings. That makes me sadder. I am a heat baby. I love the sun and the heat, it just makes things slightly better. Meanwhile, I practically lost all dignity and begged yall for comments and got crickets. Oh well, I take my L and continue screaming to my echoes.

Let's random.

John Cena and Nicki Bella have been playing tag on their wedding and breaking up and making up. There was a scene on their TV show where she says she doesn't want to be the 66 year old woman who started being happy at 63 and that was some honest talk. Why do we always delay our happiness under the hubris that life will wait for us or give us time? Life is short is one of the most cliche statements but also one of the truest.

Re: Life is short. It's like death is everywhere. I hear so many news of death close to home both young and old. It's kind of terrifying.

We really need to be more kind and allow more room for error as a people. I sit here and think how once upon a time in my life, I thought being gay was a demon in a person and committing suicide was selfish.

If I ever get married it's gonna be a helluva adjustment. I think after you get to a certain age you become so set in your ways and less stars in your eyes to be more accommodating because you are familiar and used to life on your own terms for so long. Readjusting will be hard(er).

Man as a people are inherently selfish. Man as a gender are inherently selfisher.

Is plastic surgery a sin?

Having faith is so difficult. I've shared with you guys how my mom's passing completely shook me off my faith axis and I don't know if I have ever fully found my way back. I know you aren't supposed to think about faith logically but it's like when I get into my head and think about it so much, the Bible doesn't really put God in the kindest of lights. It makes him sound a bit sadistic. But is it a case of man just passing down the idea that he is this powerful scary being instead of a soft kind being. But if that is the case why so much evils? There are some things that we go through in the world that are so traumatic and how do you expect people to move on from that? It seems a bit cruel to inflict that on people and then we come up with sayings like "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" when people are practically broken shells pretending to be alive.

Perspective is necessary in life. Grief is a never ending process. Sometimes, I see people with their parents. sometimes older people and I get angry and wonder why my mom had to be taken away but then I remember I had her for a significant amount of time and there are people who lost their moms at birth or younger and have no memories. It's all shitty but you get my point, depending on who's perspective you are looking at it from, you are either worse off or better off.

""Marriages will fail" as if marriages haven't been failing since. A failed marriage doesn't always mean divorce. A failed marriage can also mean life imprisonment with no love and hard physical and emotional labor which is what most marriages have been. Be honest with yourselves"

As you can tell by my randoms, I warned you guys today was not the best of days. I am full of anger, sadness, pain and questions and this always pushes me more to spread the gospel of making the best of your life and finding your happiness when you can and when it is within your power.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week ahead!


Unknown said…
That was one hell of a reflective randoms. First of all grieving can take up to 5 years and in some cases 10 years before one becomes fully in terms with the loss. What you are going through now is normal. You are still grieving although you lost your mum two to three years ago. People are different and go through bereavement differently. Thats why it is not helpful to tell someone going through some form of pain or distress that "this person had it and never reacted like this so how come you are reacting like this"?

Another random that hit the nail on the head is how we Africans can be very judgemental when it comes to homosexuality or people with mental health problems. We tend to think of it in spiritual terms and condemn the sufferer as if even if it is spiritual it is their fault. Modern day charismatic, prosperity gospel has something to do with it. This doctrine says nothing bad will happen to you if only you give your life to Christ or get closer to God when the reality is that all the early apostles went through a life of suffering, Jesus Christ himself not excluded because he suffered a voilent death. Most of these apostles were imprisoned and some were even killed violently and thats how they endured to make christianity spread the way it has now. So the reality is that life includes happiness and periods of sad news like illness and death and no matter what a good christian you are you are not immune to sickness and death but modern day prosperity gospel says otherwise. Thats why people suffering from distress and misfortune in modern day churches are being completely ignored as if it is their fault.
HoneyDame said…
I dont. I typed up and entire comment on your last post, think I lost it and gave up.

Grieving is a long process, as I am beginning to see.

Per religion, see ehn..... It is very one kain. I was conversing with someone just last week about how God was said to have said "Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated"....homeboy was doomed from the start, beans pottage or not!
A lot of things do not make sense to me about the book, but I continue to pray for clarity. Also, I do believe in a higher power, I just need clarity.

Makes sense that man as a gender is selfisher because life has been relatively handed to him on a platter of silver. But we are changing the narrative; let all of us be on the same level of selfishness....

I odnt know what that Nicki is doing with that guy. All it to arrive at this was watching just one episode of their show (meanwhile, prior to stumbling on it, I had never heard of them). In that one episode, I translated his attitude to her as not-being-that-into-her and wondered why it wasnt so blatant to her. Oh well, they say love is blind, dont they?
TayneMent said…
@seth thank you for your words. Taking each day, one at a time

@honeydame go and find the life manual with all the answers for us na
neuyogi said…
"when people are practically broken shells pretending to be alive"...THIS!!!!

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