+1 - Happy Birthday To Me

This is a late one but I added another year to my life and I am thankful for that. I used to be the person so uber excited about birthdays, while it's still kind of cool, it hasn't been the same the last few years but I am still grateful for them.

Whenever my life feels like a tornado (which feels like all the time) the one constant is always my ever faithful friends and family. They just make my life much better and I am forever grateful for them in my life.

For my new year, my goals are:

To continue trying to focus on the positives in my life, no matter how small or big because it makes weathering the storm just a tad bit easier.

I want to be intentional in my happiness. I can't be this old and not put into practice things I have learned along the way or learn from mistakes. I want to make decisions that are bold and fill my happy tank.

To always remember that life is short and make the best of it.

Be appreciative and think I am deserving.

Thank you all for all the birthday wishes (and for still reading) and insha allah, there will be many more years of birthday celebrations.


neuyogi said…
Happy birthday. This was such a nice post. You have grown in so many ways and I believe it will attract joy into your life.
mizchif said…
Yes to all of the above.

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