Friday Randoms

Hi. Don't know if you noticed but it's cold out there. Like really cold. And the worst hasn't even hit. Oh, also we are in the last month of the year. As in 2018 is almost over and we are about to enter 2019. And oh yea, "he" is still President. I hate winter. I hate the cold. I'd rather be hot. Please don't come defend the cold with "I love fall fashion". Can't relate. All the whining aside, we thank God we are here, able to feel the cold. How are you getting ready for the holidays? Do you have your Christmas shopping done? Or do you have a tree set up in your home? One of my goals is to be one day grown enough to have a tree in my place of abode. Right after I have an abode, I fully make home. Okay, enough rambling. Let's random.

In some odd sort of way, I think it must be freeing to be selfish. Not worrying or being aware of anything but your orbit. You feel no obligation and that comes with less guilt and less responsibility.

Everyone should live life as they should. It may differ from your way of thinking and it may be hard to understand but as long as it is not hurting or harming anyone. Especially when it comes to loved ones, there are many paths to get to a destination so there are different ways to living life. Note to self.

*sings* What willlll myyyy futtttuuuureee beeeee? I wonderrrr

It's kind of crazy seeing who Porscha on Real Housewives of Atlanta is now. When you watch old seasons and you see how demure she was and wouldn't even go to a strip club to now being a self proclaimed thot with a high freak number. So was she always like this and her husband squashed it or did she become a different person because of her experience with him?

Everyone always preaches the gospel of putting in the work but it's a different heartbreak when you consistently put in the work and don't see results. It's almost as if the smarter choice is not trying at all.

I can never explain how much cancer terrifies me. Everything about it. How can a disease be this evil and this smart that how many years later, we still can't crack the code?

My friend gave me a 5 year journal with the goal of seeing progress and having something to look back on when my breakthrough comes. 2019 will be year 5. So, one more year for breakthrough to show because it's been depressing seeing the same issues year after year. *fingers crossed*

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Last week, someone on social media (who I don't know personally) said something to me that I did not appreciate. The thing is, I didn't think it was a kind thing and took it personally but the person who said it probably didn't even think twice on it after and moved on with their life. But the thing is words matter and the things with words is they can't be taken back.

Please support a sister! If you love books, I have a blog and follow on twitter - @twonightstands and instagram - @nightstands2 and if you are looking for tv/movie stuff, blog is, twitter - @taynementdotcom and instagram - @taynementdotcom. Thanks! :D

Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend! Stay warm and stay blessed. Don't wait till the last minute to get your christmas gifts, if you do, Walgreens will hook you up haha. Enjoy the music for this post, I love it!


Anonymous said…
Nice Anon: Whomever it is that said something unkind to you, I think you should tell them about it.
mizchif said…
Words mean things. I'm making conscious effort to say nice things to people more these days. Strangers even.
I think i remember who it was that said what.

Also, just ordered myself a 5yr journal. Thanks for putting me on.

If i could change one thing about myself....I don't know. I'm not sure i'd change anything. Right now i feel like I'm doing alright as is. I'm learning and growing and working through things.

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