Friday Randoms

Spring has sprung. Allegedly. Allergy sufferers have started their non stop complaints about allergies and we got some peek into the warmer weather. Like, I stepped out of the house without a jacket. It was glorious. Then the temperature dipped the next day. And even more the day after that. I still refused to wear a jacket. Because WTF? It's officially spring weather and it's time the universe recognizes it. In case you haven't noticed, the year is whizzing by. It's almost half way through April.

Let's random.

It's a tad bit unhealthy but I hate how aware of mortality I am. The constant news of deaths of people in your circle, close to your circle and outside of it, is so depressing. Not that death is a respecter of age but the fact that I have friends who are orphans is such a sobering thought. Because the truth of the matter is "we are at that age". We are more aware of it and it's around us. We all know death is inevitable but it is still a shock when it happens. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.

Gifts are so my love language. Thoughtful gifts make me happy. I love giving and receiving them.

I described dating like crab meat to a friend. So much effort put into getting little meat.

That being said, how do people find dating fun? Can't be me.

I love living alone so much and it always surprises me that there are people who don't like it. My coworker says she gets lonely when she is alone. Another said she has never lived alone. Again, can't be me.

Then again, this might be why she has paid off her student loans. All that money saved having a roommate. Who is the foolish one now, Taynement?

You guys have heard me say this a lot but life really is hard. I encourage everyone to not forget to take time for themselves and do what makes them happy and put themselves first. If the heaviness is overwhelming, please never be ashamed to get therapy. So many options even online. To help with a headstart, you can try to start out with baby steps online.

I don't understand people who read the end of a book first.

I am so anal, I try my darndest to make sure my gas tank never goes below half. I start itching when it does. I fill up every Sunday like clockwork. I am always surprised when people say they ran out of gas.

I really like living on the East Coast.

People who can genuinely say they are happy what would you say is the source of your happiness?

That's all I have for you guys. I am late to the party with this song but I legit can't get it out my head. Have a great weekend and I hope the weather is great wherever you are.


Kash said…

“I am so anal, I try my darndest to make sure my gas tank never goes below half. I start itching when it does. I fill up every Sunday like clockwork. I am always surprised when people say they ran out of gas.”

This is so me! Every single Sunday, I’m at the gas station to fill up.
yujubee said…
Lmao, its me running around with gas indicator flashing red ,I hate buying gas and washing car. Thank God for husband.
I like alone. I cherish my days off, kids at school ,hubby at work. Oh the quiet is bliss.
What happiness??

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