
Life goes in ebbs and flows. I think  know I am in an ebb. Everything is just not at its best. It makes everything else just a little bit harder.Probably does not help or maybe because I am in an ebb, I chose to do some introspection. It's a weird thing when you can't tell if you are telling yourself harsh truths or being hard on yourself.

Instead of a friday random I figured I'd share some musings.

I wish there was a person who spoke fluent Taynement and could read my mind and know me inside out. They'd know what I needed before I myself knew and it'd come in handy on those times when I can't bring myself to ask for help when I need it.

I find it very dismissive when people say "Life isn't complicated, it's just people who make things complicated". I almost always conclude that they are speaking from a place of privilege. It's unfair to make a person feel like they are whining about something - although I am a hypocrite in this regard because if a person's big problem is man problem/heartbreak I think I reflexively roll my eyes.

Everyone deals with stuff. Agreed. Is it far fetched to say some deal with more stuff than others. It's not a problem dick measuring contest but acknowledgement of levels? Granted, it really doesn't make any one else feelings less valid because there really is always someone going through worse.

The other day someone asked an inappropriate question and I stepped in and said "you can't ask that, that's inappropriate". I was sharing the story with someone else and she stopped and said good on you for stepping in because she would think it but not say it out loud. Then she asked me and the other person if we tend to call out our friends when they say/do things they shouldn't and they both said they don't because they'd just rather lay low and stay in their lane. I said I do but have also learned people hate me for that. Dramatic but I basically mean people don't like it and find it annoying, so I am also learning to shut my trap more.

We live in a world where we are supposed to be non judgmental and more tolerant but at what cost if we are tip toeing around each other?

People hate truths. Or is it we as people can't handle truth?

One of the biggest scams in life is being told to "be yourself". What if you are yourself and the world rejects it. then what?

Why is there not a life manual?

My mortality awareness is very high. Getting older and watching people lose their parents one by one, doesn't help.

Would you rather be the friend people come to for a good time/surface things and not for the serious things or the one they come to for the serious things but not for the good times? I think friends should be there for all seasons, so its weird to me when people see a person as a sounding board for the rough times but Ray Charles them when the going gets good. Should the question really be what does that say about the energy the person attracts? hmmmmm

Would you say you are happy? If you identify as a happy person, let me know in the comments. I have follow up questions! If you don't mind, that is.

I think that there are certain people in this world who indeed have two heads.

I thought and double thought and triple thought about hitting enter on this post because I am always self conscious about sounding negative. But I reminded myself that it is my blog and I am being true to my feelings. Here's hoping everyone has a good weekend and to the moms, have a happy mother's day.


neuyogi said…
All your musings hit the nail on the head. But I really hope people are not out there dividing their friends into “good time” pals and “bad time” pals, that just sucks.
mizchif said…
I'd say i "generally" identify as a happy person.
But i'm afraid you'll ask your follow up questions now and i'll be exposed as a fraud.

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