Popping in to say Hello

I've been a bad girl. I haven't blogged or even had a friday random in a minute. I have no good reason tbh. The days seem to be going so fast and they really are all a blur now. It's like I go to work, countdown to the end of the day and countdown to the weekend (which is terrible by the way) come home and before you know it, it's time for bed and my alarm goes off and its wash, rinse, repeat.

I live for the weekends now. I am having a good summer tbh. It really is very easy to focus on the thorn(s) in your life and forget the roses. I keep getting good advice to not let the thorns take over and to take the time to smell roses but man sometimes yo, sometimes life can be a hater that be disturbing somebody but I shall continue to try.

I haven't had the chance to travel as much as I usually would but I went on vacation a few weeks ago and it was a great time hanging with family and just being away from the stresses of work. I love summer yo. Just feels freeing, no jackets encumbering you just the beautiful sun shining in your face. People complain about the heat and sweating and nananana. I'll take that over the snow, wind and biting cold. I love water and being in a pool is glorious. I should find a way to make it to the beach.

I am still reading as much as I can but lately my books have been checking back into the library before I am able to finish reading. Wah.(Visit www.twonightstands.com !)  I am still watching as much TV but I feel I have less time so I really am not watching as much as I should be (visit www.taynement.com and follow on instagram - @Taynementdotcom)

Trying to learn lessons this summer. It's hard for me to think positively. I am always fearful of what the worst will be and wondering when it will happen (this is not the way to live guys). This summer I am trying to push past my fears, take leaps of faith and think myself deserving of any good that comes my way.

At the end of the day tbh, my goal in life is to be happy and to have peace. I don't expect life to be smooth sailing and without bumps but a lesson I learned in 2015 is life is short. People say it all the time but I don't think they truly know it is. I am acutely aware of it. I try to remember it when I get fearful and it tries to steer my life decisions.

I want to choose happy always and I wish happy for everyone.

Okay. That's all the catch up I got. Is everyone having a good summer? What is happening in y'alls lives? I wanna know!


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