
What's an accent? Who gets to define what an accent is?

Americans have a lot of hubris. Especially when it comes to being American. They think they are the best at everything. They think everyone operates on American terms. Which is why when they go to another country, they are so confused as to why the citizens of the country aren't doing things the way it is done back home in America.

There are many different accents in America -- Southern, Northern, Mid-western the list goes on. America being a melting point and having loads of immigrants means there's even more variants of hybrid accents.

It's so crazy how Americans go crazy for a British accent. Who declared a French english accent sexy but not a Senegalese one even though they are both rooted in French (spot of racism? hmm...)

Why am I saying all this?

As you know, I am co-host on two podcasts and in one of the podcasts, we get a number of reviews and recently there have been comments centered on my accent. A person mentioned how it bothered them the way I say the word "say", another person with a nice review did say they found the way I said it "endearing" and even though it was an overall nice review, for some reason it made me feel like it was a pat on the head. Another person referred to me as "the lady with the accent".

Now to some, I could be overreacting because I DO in fact have an accent in that, it is not an American accent and on one hand maybe it is the best descriptor among two people, who knows. I just don't understand the fixation on it.

I truly have no point guys, I was just musing and decided to put fingers to keyboard. Hope everyone is hanging tight in these crazy times. Keep your head up and let's hope the light is at the end of the tunnel with COVID!


neuyogi said…
Seriously??? People leave reviews like that? How do you say say abeg? I have never noticed
yujubee said…
Its Americans been American. A small bit of me wished you would have said something to that commenter, more often than not Americans just need an education. They are so ignorant. That been said i have a coworker that sounds like the voice over for that Iggy dog account on tiktok/ "couldnt wear it". I love to it. But i feel like ppl see at as making fun of the person. Its just sweet to listen to.
yujubee said…
Its Americans been American. A small bit of me wished you would have said something to that commenter, more often than not Americans just need an education. They are so ignorant. That been said i have a coworker that sounds like the voice over for that Iggy dog account on tiktok/ "couldnt wear it". I love to it. But i feel like ppl see at as making fun of the person. Its just sweet to listen to.

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