
 Yesterday, my uncle died. We'd known it was coming but it doesn't make it any easier. Ever since his wife, my aunt died some years ago, he'd basically been on a decline.

My uncle was tough growing up. Tough as in very strict. He was a doctor and spent a huge chunk of his life in Germany. I'd say I was a tad scared of him. As we grew older, he definitely mellowed and was more approachable. My uncle used to be an atheist and that used to fill me with wonder because to my young eyes, all Nigerians went to church. I never understood how he was able to stay home when we went to church and not join when we had family prayer.

My aunt, a huge figure in the church had a sole mission to get him to have faith and my aunt the indomitable force, made it happen - well her prayers were answered and my uncle started having faith and started going to church. My aunt did everything for my uncle and they were partners business wise. I have fond memories of them speaking German when they didn't want any of us to hear what they were saying. Oh yea, he spoke 7 languages.

I and my family spent a huge chunk of time at my Uncle and Aunt's house. A huge part of my childhood memories have them in it. We were always at their house. My Uncle had his spot in the living room with his recliner and he always kept my brother's favorite beer ready for him. They were buddies and always had heart to heart chats. My Uncle's medical intuition is how we discovered my mom's cancer diagnosis after Nigeria Nigeria'd and gave wrong lab results.

I feel for my cousins, who have to go through this again and have to face the fact that they are now without parents on this earth. I spoke to my cousin yesterday and we just pondered over the fact that we are basically watching our family disappear one by one in real time and its so surreal. Them three - my aunt, my uncle and my mom - were such strong forces in our lives and it's so weird that they just don't exist anymore.

It got harder and harder to contact my Uncle so the last time I spoke to him I had asked another Uncle to call me when he was with him so I could talk to him. Our last conversation was me telling him I had gotten married. He was so happy and he sounded so upbeat. That is the memory of him I will carry.

I still have no idea what happens when we die but I have prayed for his soul since I have heard. May his soul forever rest in peace. 


LadyNgo said…
Sorry for your loss. May God grant their souls peaceful rest and for you and your family, healing and comfort.

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