The Evolution of Friendships (as you get older)

 A dear reader has been pestering me for a new post for A WHILE now and I promised her I will. Life has been lifing and time kept passing by. I'd been wondering on what to write about and decided to talk about how friendships evolve as you get older and go through stages in life.

I have always said that my friendships have been a blessing in my life. I moved to this country young and didn't have much family around so my friends became my family. This probably what feeds into how intense I am about my friendships. That intensity came with very high expectations and I wanted so much reciprocated (I know better now)

Friend is also a strong word. Sometimes you are cool with people but they are not in your inner circle or they consider you more of a friend than you do them and vice versa. 

When I lost my mom, there were certain "friendships" I lost. Some may consider me being a diva but I wasn't comfortable being "friends" with people who aren't bothered to check on you when you lose a parent - but I stand by it.

I had a conversation with a friend about how everyone talks about women get married and act weird and don't want to hang out with their single friends and I mentioned how noone talks about the flip of the coin where single friends consciously or subconsciously act differently towards their married friends, almost like a let me act first before they do.

I don't have kids yet but I assume that's another phase I assume would affect friendship. Just as I mentioned how marrieds/singles may act to each other, I might be accused of acting differently by my mom friends. Who knows, life can be complicated.

I have had the priviledge of having the same inner circle of friends since college. We don't talk as often or see as often as we used to but we definitely keep in touch and are in the know about each other's lives. I mentioned earlier how intense I think I can be when it comes to friendships and I think over the years I have learned to relax more because I used to set myself up for disappointment when I used to expect everyone to approach things the way I do.

As I've watched some friendships dwindle away - not necessarily because of a blow up or anything, it legit just dwindled away - I've had to take a step back and reevaluate the part that I played because of course I am sure I played a part and think of how I approach things especially as I get older.

I believe in learning from past failures and being wiser as you get older. Super grateful for all the friends in my life and here's to the many more I am yet to meet (because I don't believe in Drake's "no new friends" motto)

Hope you guys are doing well in this burning bush of a world that we live in and are holding up well. I'd love to hear your take on friendships so please bum rush my comment section!


mizchif said…
Lol @bum rush.

I'd better be on this friend list, I don't care.
I'm with you on the taking my friendships seriously.
I've been known to carry my friends on my head.
I've learnt to start putting people down though.
These days when people show me how much they (don't) rate me, I listen.

I'm also learning that it's okay to drift apart for no reason and without malice. Sometimes life just gets in the way and not every relationship is a life one.
That being said sha, hurts like a bitch when you find out you're the only one in a friendship.

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