
This might be the first year I have not written a birthday post on time. I am like a month and some late.

But yeah, I had the blessing of celebrating another year in life and this time it was the big 4-0.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do but I eventually ended up with the idea of Cuba with my nearest and dearest.

It was a total of 17 people, mostly family but it was the greatest thing.

Cuba is not for the faint of heart when it comes to planning. I did A LOT of research and was stressing a lot. In fact, I cried a lot on Day 1 but then thank God that was the worst day and everything went up from there.

We had a great time. I felt a lot of love and I am so glad it happened.

Turning 40 is weird. Weird because I can't believe it's here. It's something I have talked about with so many different friends and now we are at the place where we check the boxes of age group 35-40. Bizarre.

I am thankful for the life I have now. I am thankful for the person I am now and the growth I can see in my life. 

I look forward to more growth, I look forward to my blessings and I look forward to more answered prayers.

I hope to always walk on the path God has for me. I pray for wisdom to see it and to follow His voice. I pray for blessings for me and my loved ones and may God give us good health and long life.

And thank you to you guys who still read (wonders if anyone still does?)

Happy belated birthday to me.


mizchif said…
Amen and Amen and Amen!!!
Some of us still read.
Thenaturehill said…
Happy Belated Birthday

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