10 Life Lessons to Excel in your 30's

I came across this post written by Mark Manson on my timeline and I thought it was really good. So good that I posted it twice. As usual, I felt the need to share it with you guys with some thoughts of mine. I know it says 30's but I do think that if you are on the other side of 25 i.e closer to 30 then this should come in handy. Here goes.

1. Start saving for Retirement now, not later - For those who know me, I am a huge believer of saving. No matter how much you make, I believe a little portion should go to a savings account. I have a savings account where my company automatically deposits my requested amount straight in there and I act (ahem for the most part) like it doesn't exist. Even when I was making a paltry amount, I was depositing $50 every paycheck. It may not seem like much but it does add up. Especially when you forget it exists. Also, I am not savvy on trades and investing and such but I am told you get more return that way over a savings account which has like a 0.001% interest. Either way, saving is a good habit to have. It keeps you disciplined and you just never know.

2. Start taking care of your health now, not later - Ain't that the truth. I remember watching The Challenge a while back and Cyrus said the thing you learn about age is you have good intentions but your body just doesn't agree with you and has other plans. It's quite true. We still think we are invincible but our stomachs become less tolerant, we develop allergies, metabolism slows down. Better to start healthy habits now.

3. Don't spend time with people who don't treat you well - I get in trouble a lot for being honest about how I feel or saying what I think but honestly I woke up one day in my late twenties and just had less fucks to give (less not none). Basically, if you interfere with my happy, you have no purpose in my life. I also learned that it is okay to say no. People have a big problem with that word. Also at first read, its easy to think that it only applies to romantic relationships but it happens in friendships too. Why hang around or be with people who make you feel some type of way? They aren't necessarily bad people, maybe you just don't gel. Life's too short.

4. Be good to the people you care about - Everyone says life is short but I don't know if anyone really really believes this could apply to them. Well it is. And I probably spend more time than normal thinking about death but the one thing I do try to do is to let my loved ones know that i am thankful for all they've done for me and try to be there for them anyway I can. I've also tried to be less stingy with the I love yous.

5. You can't have everything, focus on doing a few things really well - Self explanatory. The actual article explains better. Now let me just find what I do really well besides watching tv. Although based on twitter, some people seem to be good at everything (snicker)

6. Don't be afraid of taking risks, you can still change - The blurb on the actual post says "all adults are winging it". That is comforting cuz Lord knows that I feel like a mess most times. Regarding risks, I have taken some risks in my life that actually paid off and some -__- You'd be amazed at the number of people that are actually scared of change. Read a tweet - "Watch out for the fear of failure especially the subtle kind. It prevents you from taking certain actions and comes with excellent excuses" The human mind can justify anything sha.

7. You must continue to grow and develop yourself - take a class, try something new, just try to be a better person each day. All na something abi?

8. Nobody (still) Knows what they are doing. Get used to it - I have nothing to add.

9. Invest in your family, it's worth it - At the rate most of my friends are losing their parents and watching my mom go through 2 cancer scares. You don't have to tell me twice to hold family close and cherish them. Parents know how to push our buttons but they're also the ones that will have your back and (un)fortunately if the normal life span occurs they'll be the ones to go first.

10. Be kind to yourself, respect yourself  - If I am being honest, this is probably the hardest on the list for me. I am waaay too hard on myself and I don't make the smartest decisions for myself. I will try to apply this more to myself this year.

Well those are the 10. Which ones do you struggle with or did you like the best. If you still have the energy, I'd encourage you to read the original post. The writer had older people send in their advice and he compiled based on the responses. The examples and stuff made it a good read - http://markmanson.net/10-life-lessons-excel-30s

Have a lovely week!


leggy said…
i'm terrible at saving. i spend wayyyyy too much money, wayyyy too much money. once i get my shit together, i'm going to start saving a percentage of my salary so that i can always have something to fall back on.
LohiO said…
I needed to read that today. Always seems like everyone else has it together except me ..:(

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