Friday Randoms

Hi folks. Friday is upon us again. It's Good Friday, which means Easter is round the corner. It's been a good Lent for me and I look forward to Easter. It's a little bitter sweet as my mom's birthday is tomorrow and it's hard to imagine that she won't be here. Last year, she was in so much pain and didn't even realize it was her birthday but at least she was here and this year...sigh. Anyways, it's kind of hard to believe Lent is over already meanwhile we are still waiting for Spring to sprung. One minute it's warm and the next it's cold. I feel for people with allergies. Anyhue, here we go...

I can't even begin to tell you how bad customer service irks my soul. I tried a new hairdresser the other day and wanted to use her again. When I was trying to make an appointment, the receptionist was SO rude and sour and in the middle of our convo, I just hung up. That poor lady has just lost a client due to her ineptitude. I am now going to someone less skilled but she has excellent customer service (I am doing myself abi)

I realized something about myself. I always reflexively assume a person's boss is a guy whenever they mention their boss. Which doesn't make any sense considering my boss is a woman. What does this say about me.

I have traveled alone and I have traveled with friends and I have to say I enjoy my trips with friends better.

Listen, people need to realize that not everything is a pessimistic thought or comment especially with Nigerians. I was expressing my anxiety about something to someone and they were like "why so pessimistic". like goddammit, can we not have emotions anymore. ugh.

Isn't it weird how you look at some white girls and you just automatically know that they only mess with black guys

A friend of mine asked me this: when is the right time to talk about finances in your relationship. I personally think when you guys start talking about a future together then all debt, income etc should be disclosed so you can plan accordingly. What do you guys think. Married folk, when did you talk about finances.

When you don't approve of a loved one's significant other, honestly what is the right thing to do. I just can't think of a good\right way to express those feelings without it negatively impacting the relationship. Especially when they have decided this is who they want to be with.

I wonder why Easter is not a big deal in the States.

I am so easily intimidated it's kinda ridiculous.

Every time I look up low carb recipes I always stumble upon recipes drowned in cheese. Since when is cheese healthy

Was listening to something and this woman was making a declaration about how she would never ever expect her man to cheat on her and it just baffles me so much how people have so much faith. I don't think anyone should expect it but at the same time noone is beyond it happening to them (and as i typed this i remembered i have randomed this before)

I am the same age my mom was when she had me.

I think preferences are allowed to be had but if after a certain age your preferences for a life partner still focuses on the superficial then I don't know what to tell you.

That's all I got folks. Have a lovely weekend. Have fun with your families and remain blessed! Oh Berry Dakara welcome back to our side of the pond!


jennifer said…
trailed you from the blog....

I was with a guy and we discussed finances pretty early, mostly because he has a lot of a the kind of debt that made me research "how can I prevent my partners debt from becoming my debt" and "how much debt is too much debt" and I still don't know if I can...Is that superficial?

My mom was 19 when she had me (and married) and I'm exactly 10yrs older with no husband and no child...:(

I get easily intimidated by smarty women...never by good looking women...just smart girls

I never think you're too old to be's that 9ja mess...Oyibo will be 40 and single and still be looking for 6'2 with blue eyes....abeg leave that matter, as long as you're comfortable with your loneliness. There are no jokes about men reaching a certain age and lowering their standards.
yujubee said…
I am not easily intimidated, it's ridiculous. Lol, like I think I have my own special lane and I really don't take things seriously naturally, so *shrugs
Hubs says I'm pessimistic cos I like to prepare for the worst.
I had my oldest a year later than my mum had her oldest.
I don't expect cheating, but that don't mean I'm not prepared for what my reaction will be. Like I have it all planned out, but not expecting it. Make sense? Lol.
Cheese is protein na.
I've had situations where friends are dating a guy I really don't like, I let them know and I usually don't get along with said person ( of course they usually don't like me too ).but it's never happened with husband,just boyfriend.

neuyogi said…
Honestly, the States has ruined me. I used to know when lent, good friday etc were, now it seems all the Easter day events and moments catch me by surprise.

There is no good way to handle not approving of a friend's significant other. The significant other tends to win. So if the friendhip is important or you are worried about the friend's safety, I would say just try being around, there for them in the boundaries that exist. Because, you may be the only thing between them and death, in case the relationship is or turns abusive. Ok I sound morbid lol.
neuyogi said…
oh and i like Jennifer's comment about the superficiality thing. Why does it not seem to apply to men. Unsaid expectation for women of a certain age to start lowering standards or have different criteria. Maybe the ability to freeze eggs will help women not be in the position of "beggars can't be choosers"
Berry Dakara said…

When you don't approve of a loved one's significant other, I think it's important to show support for your loved one. I feel like eventually you'll get over your dislike or learn to deal with it. This is coming from my friends' experience.

Easter is so bleh-y in this here country :(

I'm 10 years older than my mum was when she had me - BUAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait, should I feel sad? :-S
Unknown said…
Olá gostei muito do seu blog. Parabéns. Acesse o meu e confira as minhas dicas.
Vivi N. said…
Cheese is life. And my downfall. Ah well.

I'm a couple years older than my mom when she had my sister, who’s the last born.

While I don't consider this person a loved one, she's still a friend I care about. Just recently met her significant other and he rubs me the wrong way. Will give him another try, tho.
Anonymous said…
I find it hard to be intimidated hmmmm

Having kids happens when it happens mehn

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