Friday Randoms

Hi guys. How are yall doing? Are you as bummed as I am that the temperatures have dropped? *sad face* and to make things worse daylight savings is round the corner. Ah well, time to bundle up and for the fashion people who won't let us hear word, time to show off their fashionz. I saw someone bundled up the other day. Coat, scarf, boots the works. I am like geez, its still high 60's/70's. Let's observe some calm. There will be plenty of time to dress for the actual cold. Here we go on some randoms:

I don't like when women call their friends "girlfriends". I dunno, just sounds odd to me.

What is faith? How do you find faith? If your faith has not truly been tested, do you really have faith?

I thought it was a phase but clearly guys, I am still struggling :(

Was talking to a friend about her relationship and she just blurted out that relationships are so much hard work and "98.7% people are lying about their relationships and most won't confess about their hardship till you say your own" I put that in quotes cuz that was what she said verbatim.

I think that people often think that the path not chosen might have been a better choice but they don't realize that it almost always seems like the better choice because it is the path that wasn't traveled.

I am watching this show and while I think that I am pretty open minded, I gotta say that I don't know that I will be comfortable dating a trans person (I hope this isn't offensive)

This just made me wonder if the above is in the same vein as maybe a white person saying I don't know that I will be comfortable dating a black person. racism or preference?

All that to say that a lot of  Nigerians seem to think they are modern and open minded and really honestly aren't.

I was in London not too long ago and its much colder there. All the men are in sweats or joggers as they prefer to call it so basically it's dick print galore over there. My cousin was like do they not care that there's just walking around with a protrusion. They don't care or they don't know how to pack it?

That being said, some men aren't capable of having bulges. Their flat fronts are always...flat. Which is not indicative of anything. :)

Is there an equivalent of down low brothers for gay people? i.e a self identifying gay person (not bisexual) who is secretly having sex with members of the opposite sex

A friend of mine said one of the weird things about marriage is there's just certain things you can't talk about. For example, when you have a completely bad ass session with a chick you tell your boys but that's something you can't do with a wife. That gave me all the lolz.

A teacher in my gym class said if she could afford it, she would have more kids because she enjoys being pregnant and would totally be a surrogate. Made me wonder how many white surrogates have carried black children.

It's so weird to me when virgins say things like "it was an orgasm in my mouth" or "orgasm to my eyes". Yes I know they might be virgins who self pleasure. But still weird to me. Nobody said I made sense all the time.

I tweeted today about how Naija women will complain about Naija men die and yet stay loyal to them and date noone else but them. Not unlike how black women stick to just black men. Funny enough, in both groups the men don't hesitate to look beyond and fulfill their own happiness. I wonder why that is.

Okay guys. That's all I got. Have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe and stay blessed. Oh and please visit www,

sorry you have to click on another link to hear the song.


LohiO said…

- I agree with your friend. Relationships are very very very hard work! I have learned to tell myself that people only celebrate the good so I do not necessarily see it lying.

Kash said…
Yay!! Randoms!! I've been waiting and checking.

Weird but I like when I hear girls refer to their friends as girlfriends, however I don't do it because it sounds odd.

This 16 year old girl I know really wants to be a surrogate and says that's how she will make money in college. I was like uhhhh...mmkay. She's very adamant about it, but I'm sure once she gets there she will change her mind. I hope.
Berry Dakara said…
On the question of racism vs preference, I would say it's a preference - unless the reason for not dating outside your race is due to negative thoughts and bias against them.

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