Friday Randoms

*Stretch* *Yawn* Yup, we are still in January. I mean, it's not like I am hoping for the month or year to fly away but you feel the slowness the most during the week when you are just waiting for 5pm to hit and the Now when you do it for 5 days. It really just feels like eternity. This winter is so weird. One glimpse of mild winter then reallllly cold. The one we are going through now is since inauguration, sun has not shown face and rain has been coming to play. Ah well. Had a fun busy weekend last weekend, so I am looking forward to vegging it out this weekend. Let the randomization begin:

Bleh. I hate when things are not organic and seem put on

It's not a good feeling when you don't feel that "safe" feeling around people you felt comfortable around

Wonder if doctors have to consciously shut off being a doctor and being so factual and scientific when relating outside of work or if it happens naturally

I read this book that begins with a man describing the reason he married his wife. He said he was a middle of the road guy and never aimed for the top and basically just lived an average life so when it came to marriage, he basically took the same approach and married an "unremarkable woman" i.e there was nothing exciting about her and she fulfilled all functions of a wife. Discussing it with a friend and she says she knows cases like that in real life and another prayer you gotta prat in life is that someone doesn't choose you for the wrong reason. Whoosh. It's hard out there in this dating jungle.

When someone miscarries a baby in a pair of twins, does the surviving twin always feel like a part of them is missing?

I watched a couple of reality shows where women with significant others cheated on them with another woman and the men didn't even bat an eyelid. I thought that was a bit strange. I asked a friend and she said her boyfriend said he wouldn't mind. And it made me wonder. If the reason is that it's just sex then can we assume you won't lose your shit over a man? I would think that they would be upset that the commitment and exclusive agreement was broken. Or it doesn't mean anything anymore?

The little things that make you realize you have grown in character

Was talking to someone about this whole renting vs. owning deal and the person threw out to just make sure you put 20% down. Is that easy? It's not like we are talking about $100 here. We tend to throw things out there like its just a piece of cake - just eat right and exercise, just freeze eggs, just quit the addiction. Like I always say, we all know the things to do but it's not so easy to implement because if it were we'd all be in utopia

Anybody ever wonder how many times they will be married?

I tweeted this earlier this week: Ladies, no matter how close you think you are to a guy, his loyalty is to his boys

What is life like without having weight issues? :( Then again skinny people still always complain. I had someone with washboard abs ask me if she is bigger since the last time I saw her and how she needs to lose weight. Guess we humans are never satisfied.

Honestly never noticed till someone pointed out to me that Nigerians who go to jand for college tend to not stay there and end up moving back to naija vs. those in Yankee that stay by all means necessary. Found that interesting.

I just found the memorial of some lady at my job who died in October but for some reason I just now saw it. She didn't work in my department but I always saw her in the elevator or the cafeteria. I asked our admin what happened and she was telling me how she had surgery and was doing really well and from nowhere took a nosedive and it reminded me of when my mom had chemo. She had 6 rounds. After the 5th round, she was soooo good we were already praising God for a miracle and before we could finish she took a sharp turn. Was telling my friend this and she told me that it's actually a medical thing. Where your body knows it's about to give out so it has this moment of euphoria so to speak and then just kaput. The human body is kind of an amazing thing.

Well, that's all I have for you today. I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend. Stay blessed and stay warm if you are in one of the colder places.


mizchif said…
The thing about these random posts is that by the time I reach the comments section I've forgotten what I had to comment on.

Boys and their loyalty. I wish girls would be as loyal but alas.

I always wonder about people's reasons for getting married and also how they pick their spouses. I see myself doing like a proper recruitment interview if someone presents as ready to marry me. But there's really no guarantees. It appears things can and will change at any time.

I don't think I'm able to shut off my doctor brain. I'm sure there's people in my life who are not very happy about this but I always need facts. Like show me a study. What are your numbers. Where are your receipts. But then again I tend not to argue about a lot of things and always allow people to have their own opinions, I'm just hard to convince.

Swanboy said…
If you are buying your first home, you can get a FHA loan which requires a 3% down payment. Not 20.
Jokes for you said…
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