Friday Randoms

I've been a bad, bad blogger. It's so amazing how time sneaks up on you and suddenly its been a hot minute since you have done friday randoms. How are you guys doing in these perilous times we are living in? This week alone we heard of so many losses in Nigeria, preventable losses that is. Let's not even address what is going on in America. Everything is just lining up in favor for our "leader" to continue to spread his evilness, we have had yet another shooting and I don't even know what the hell is going on anymore. Today I tweeted that this might have been what the Bible meant by the end times because everything happening is like emotional and mental warfare and it's just too much.

On the bright side, what an exciting World Cup!

Let's random.

We as humans are quite anecdotal. We'll know one or two people doing something and we will say "everyone i know or a lot of people I know are doing xyz"

The groupthink on social media is truly out of control

It's a difficult thing to be honest with a friend. While I do believe it is your duty as a friend to be honest, at the same time I think it's also easier to use the excuse that they are a grown adult and it's not my problem.

Have you ever wondered what the difference between a therapist and a psychologist is? I did some looking and found this helpful link 

When you become a parent, it must be really hard not to define yourself as just a mom as it is time consuming. Do dads have this issue? I feel like I encounter more women who don't know who they are outside of being a mom than dads who feel this way.

There is a new ad on tv, I forget what it is for that shows kids coming out to their parents on the phone. One of the kids featured were a set of twins and that made me wonder if there's been any genetic research that can identify if a person is gay or not. Like if there is, is it advanced enough that people who do IVF would have a chance to pick and choose?

There are certain reality shows I watch, where a couple seems to spend more time with the family of one half of the couple. While I am sure that it is probably a reality tv show thing, i wondered if that is a thing real life couples face where one family dominates over the other.

That's all I got for you folks today. Have a wonderful weekend. Be careful and stay blessed!


Bee Lola said…
After losing a friendship with someone I considered a sister over some truths that eventually came to pass, I'm a little more stingy with my honesty these days. However, I do recognize that the old me lacked empathy and placed too much focus on being right instead of just being there for people. But yeah, I'm not as honest as I used to be.

Depending on families, I think it takes effort and intentionality to balance time spent between a couple's families.

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