Happy Birthday, Anthony Bourdain

Can you believe it has been almost 3 weeks since Anthony Bourdain passed away? Today would have been his 62nd birthday.

The whole situation combined with Kate Spade's is just a sad situation but if nothing else we are in a time where more people are taking notice of mental awareness and being encouraged to speak out more and reach out to people when you need help.

I have been through my dark moments and I know how hard it can be to actually seek out the help so as not to seem like a bother so I can't imagine how much more harder it is for people who go through depression and deep mental issues and aren't really in control of their thoughts.

In some communities, it's almost like taboo to seek professional help but my hope is that more and more people get comfortable seeking that help.

Let's all try to be kinder and step out of our bubble and try to reach out or give just a smile to someone out there that might need one.

Happy Birthday, Anthony Bourdain.


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