Friday Randoms

It hasn't felt like summer because the weather has been cool and there's just been so much rain. But it felt hot today and I welcomed the sun. The days are dragging for me. It's so much effort to drag myself out of bed and when I get to work, I am just clock watching waiting to leave - riveting life, eh? Is anyone doing anything exciting for the summer? I think I am out of preamble material.

Let's random.

I am watching Queen Sugar and this nuisance of a Nova has written a memoir that reveals personal details about her family. She says its to free them from secrets but excuse me? It's akin to outing a person. It's not your place. I'd never write a memoir simply because it involves telling other people's stories. Come to think of it, are people required to get permission before writing memoirs?

The bad part about new person caking is how much TV time it takes away. Even more annoying when you know in a few months, they'll be gone while trusty TV will always be there.

You guys...insecurities are a bitch! is overthinking. I don't know how to shut my brain off!

A 20 year old says she's slept with 11 men, what is your first reaction? Because mine was "how?" and I felt instant shame like I was being judgmental. Then I was like, but wait is it? or is it shocking? oh God am I a grandma?

I took a behavioral test and it said my core desire is security and support. Very apt. In every relationship I have with people (friend, relative, romantic) I want to always feel like I am at home with them. I don't always feel it often, so the slightest bit of friction always throws me off and I feel jitters. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to my abandonment issues

I met a white boy who likes dating outside his race because he enjoys getting to know people who are of different backgrounds from him. I immediately wondered if that is something that people would find offensive?

Speaking of dating outside race, I am still a little spooked every time I see the Kardashians all in a group with their black children. Like they all sat and collectively (with their mom) agreed that they all want black dick. Whew.

You people that have two heads in this world, come and tell us how you figured life out o.

When Love & Hip Hop started we saw Karlie Redd engaged and attempting IVF to have a child with her fiance. Fast forward to mid season and during therapy, it is implied that Karlie was in an abusive relationship or at "best", a controlling relationship because she was on eggshells around him. Now, I know abuse whether physical, verbal, emotional is its own mindfuck and as adults you deal with the unfortunate circumstances we encounter. What I couldn't understand is why she would want to have a child for a man that she was scared of?? Why bring the child into a situation like that? Like she was willing to go through the gruesome process of IVF. Sigh.

You know how they say the biggest decision you will ever make in your life is who you choose to marry? I think who you choose to be the father of your children is a close second.

I have had this blog for over 10 years. I still enjoy blogging. I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.

That's all I got for you guys. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Be safe and stay blessed!


mizchif said…
I literally Yay'd when i opened my Feedly and saw friday randoms. So you'd better not stop.

I was just telling my friend this morning that (and i know this may sound somehow) everytime i see the average caucasian penis i'm genuinely sad for my caucasian sistren and so i completely understand how and why they really go for black men, even the ones that don't have sense.

I also agree that the person you choose to have kids with is a major life determinant. For you and said kid. I just wish more people put more thought into these things.
About the IVF woman, some people just have this idea that having a child is the missing piece, the one thing that will make their lives complete, so they're willing to go through all lengths, even under less than ideal circumstances.

A twenty year old who has had sex with 11 men is....not shocking at all. Say she started having sex at 16, she's been sexually active for almost 5 years, 60 months, maybe she's in uni, has an active social life, meets guys every other day, maybe even gets into relationships that last only a few months. Add in a few one night stands and 11 is probably a modest figure. But that's just me, the one who no longer counts how many people she's had sex with.
Anonymous said…
And I shall keep reading even though I may not always write a comment.

Nice Anon.

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