Friday Randoms

 Yep. Your eyes aren't deceiving you. It's been a while since I had one of these but someone (you know yourself) bugged me to get one up ASAP and now I am here to keep my word. I don't even know whether I have had many random thoughts or if I have and they are just not thoughts I'll utter out loud. They are just safer in my brain.

I hope everyone has been relatively okay this year. It's very easy to say 2020 has been a wash so far, but for some, it has actually been a good year. It's kind of crazy how save for the not socializing (as much) and not traveling, life has not changed much for some people while for others, life has changed so drastically. Like I mentioned in my birthday post, it's only by the grace of God that I have made it through this year. I feel like it has been a wasted year for me but I won't get into that.

Enough rambling. Let's random.

I'm watching 90 day fiance. One of the ladies gets mad at her man. She starts packing up her stuff and immediately dials an ex telling her current guy that she is going to be with him. I guess I get the whole point of inflicting pain but the whole thing didn't make sense to me. How was her first thought that she is going to go sleep with her ex? Weird.

I think that society should be kinder and normalize it being okay for people - especially women - to say that they are lonely and want companionship without labeling them thirst buckets. It's a human need and doesn't automatically mean someone is desperate.

That being said, can we ever overcome societal norms? Especially the ones imposed on women?

In the same vein, how come it's so common among Igbo men that they are the ones who are usually requesting to be set up and to have a wife found for them? I rarely see it for other tribes.

I do not like writing in blue ink. I cannot physically buy a blue ink pen. Just black.

Fun Fact: My secondary school required us to use fountain pens. So I went through school writing with fountain pens. Which was a nightmare considering our uniforms were white. White + ink = yikes.

When I was younger, the grey area didn't exist for me. It was just black or white. Things like "it just happened" I'd scoff at that. Now they exist for a lot of things in life. Funny what growing up does.

It's a brave thing to live your truth or your best self Brave because it usually comes with pain or loss and most people aren't willing to go through that. I came across a great quote: "We can't have change without loss, which is why so often people say they want change but nonetheless stay exactly the same"

Expectations. Everyone has them.

Why are female protagonists on TV so annoying? Between rewatching Sex and the City and Girlfriends, Joan and Carrie are driving me nuts!

For those who watched both - who you got for more annoying? Mine is Joan.

That's all I got for my comeback but before I go, I have been working on a number of different things on the side that I'd like to promote, so if you get a chance support a sister!

  • All things entertainment (TV/Movie/Music reviews and recommendations) visit follow on instagram @taynementdotcom
  • Book reviews and recommendations visit Follow on instagram @nightstands2
  • Sex and the city podcast - Rewatching with my friend and discussing through the lens of being in our thirties 20 years later. Listen here and follow on instagram @therewatchx2
  • Weekly recap of the tv show - Married at First Sight. Search "Altar Call" anywhere you listen to podcasts. It's available on spotify and apple podcasts too. Follow on instagram @altarcallmafs

Thank you in advance!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. The temperatures are cooling off in my neck of the woods which makes me sad. I'll miss the warm weather. I didn't even get to see a pool this summer. Sigh. Covid go away!


mizchif said…
I just remembered that i meant to go back to the birthday post to leave a comment.
About overcoming societal norms, we probably will never fully overcome them, especially those of us from places like Nigeria, but you see these Gen X and the ones after them? They scare me and give me hope at the same time.
I really appreciate that the comment box pops out to another page so i can go back and look at the main post.
I was thinking recently that people who still think in black and white must be lucky because it means they haven't seen things. Time and experience has taught me that this life no too balance. There is probably more gray than black or white and you know what? That's okay too.

Well done with all your projects, you're quite the busy woman!
Kash said…
Yay!!! Finally!!! We are grateful!

I too forgot to comment on the +1 post even though I meant to.

Society should normalize it being okay to just say your lonely. I feel like someone saying they’re lonely gets the response, “aww, it is well”. On another note, I went to this hiking trail by a waterfall alone some weeks ago and my mother just could not understand why I would go alone. I told her it was a refreshing experience just sitting by the water and meditating. She said it sounds lonely and sad. Sigh.

I’m rewatching Girlfriends, too. Joan is definitely annoying! It has me thinking about how I was watching this show in college looking at these “old ladies” with all their dating and life problems. Now I’m that “old lady” still watching it and facing (or have faced) some of these same dating and life issues.
neuyogi said…
Just wanted to say hi. It’s been months oh no blog post.

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