Sometimes I Wonder....
So the Oscars were yesterday, I totally enjoyed the show besides the Slumdog sweep, humph! and also yours truly once again called it right for most of the major categories. Anyways, Oscar season signals the end of award season which usually makes me a tad bit sad, which leads to my main topic. Who gets sad because award season is over? and on the flip side who gets so mega freaking duper excited when award season starts? Making sure to know all the people nominated (be it music or movies or tv shows) so I could give a fair assessment. The answer: Noone I know :( Ok so I admit I have a disease, as I call it. The amount of pop culture crap in my head cannot be normal.I'll give you examples. EXAMPLE 1 A friend of mine asked on his status message(referring to Brangelina), is this the first time a baby mama and their S.O have been nominated for an Oscar at the same time? Do you have an answer of the top of your head, dear readers? OK, well I could immediately mention Tim Robbins and Sus...