So, I am so lazy.I have numerous blog posts written out in my head, unfortunately blogsville is blocked at work so I can't immediately pour it out, so I end up never putting these entries to web. Anyways, forgiveness had just been in my head and all around me(right down to a scene between Miranda and Carrie when I was watching Sex and The CIty again), I finally talked about it with BFF in one of our numerous gabfests and she ecouraged me to write this, so I'm like well I guess I will.
I have to apologise ahead of time that this may not come out as strongly as I would like because I have a hard time getting really personal. I am not so anonymous on blogsville so I need to kinda mask the scenarios but ultimately I hope I am able to get my point across.:)
Anywhoo, couple weeks ago, BFF asked me: "If you could pass 3 important concepts to your kids, what would they be?". AT the time, maybe I was in a mood or something but I was just like "I don't know, who ...