Things I'd like to do in my lifetime

Travel to all 50 states in America.

Visit every continent in the world.

Be a good wife and mom.


Own a car that doesn't have as many numbers in mileage as a young exec's salary.

Buy a dress for a ridiculous amount of money without thinking twice and wondering what damage has been done to my account.

Build a house for my mom.


Lose 20lbs.

Feature or have my own music single in naija.

Be naija's reality queen ie be the name that is synonymous with a slew of well produced reality shows in nigeria.

Experience love.

Take ballroom dance classes.

...I'm sure there is more but that's all I can think of for now. Have a great sunday.


Ive gone times!!! bu thats all..........amen to 20 lbs :(
Miss Enigma said…
A lot of things on that list are definitely on mine

I want to travel and visit lots of places around the world; I want to buy clothes, shoes watever without having to do the math as to whether my acct will suffocate.

God willing it shall all come to be. Amen! Have a wonderful week ahead dear!
downtheaisle said…
same here..i want to buy stuffs and not think about the damage to my account or even have to do a I guess I want to be a freaking bad!

have a gr8 week!
Nutty J. said…
Good for you babes....
Ms.O said…
Ohh iLove! goodluck!
kay9 said…
umm, i dont think i'll wanna buy things and not worry abt my credit balance... guess my dad did his job too well.
RepOne said…
Oh oh oh...let's do #1!!
Nee Fe Mi said…
Amen. Wishing you all you wish yourself. Goodluck
Tanna Alex said…
:) I like your list... esp, the Naija reality show mogul. Never thought or heard u say that but I can totally see it.

I want to hit all continents as well- 4 down/3 to go :)

Completely with you on car w/ no miles and house for moms...

Spending money... whats the range? lol. I did small but paying for it now tht semester is back but it felt kinda good at the time.

Good luck, certainly once this study portion is over... if anything else that car will be coming soon ... and love.. (I think it may be knocking.. may be. :) Have a great week!
leggy said…
i love travelling but there are places in america i wouldnt like to go to.
nice list. :-)
Myne said…
Nice list, I love travelling too. And ballroom dancing is just so much fun. Remember me when you're the TV mogul
Apinke said…
great list, we share a few, like buying everything i love (crazy tho) and travelin.

pray ur dream comes true!
Adeoluwa - NBB said…
A great list you've got here. Cheers
LucidLilith said…
I like your list!

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