Friday Randoms

Hi Guys, yea it is not a fluke, it is indeed friday randoms up. Well, technically it is thursday but I have to be up tomorrow at an ungodly hour to travel for work so I figured I will put this up. Today was not a good day, I was already ho hum and this co worker that seems to be my lesson to learn just seriously got to me all day, right to the very end. I just came home, shut my phone off and logged off instant messenger. My brother says there are bigger idiots in the world and I should find a way to deal with him and I will. I decided to watch Oprah's episode on the sound of music reunion and all the songs made me so nostalgic but I feel better and I will soon go to bed and by God's grace tomorrow will be a better day. I sha had a few randoms and figured who better to share with than my blogs people. Hope you all had a better week and I hope I haven't lost my touch but here goes.

I have this friend who sometimes complains about her weight to me as per she is gaining weight but she is a skinny babe and like I tell her complaining about now being a size 6 is not a problem( You know who you is! lol). Women generally complain about their weight sha so that's normal, but it had me thinking if women ever complain to those smaller than them or just those bigger than them. What say ye?

Why do guys use that "I was busy" line? Is that what they teach them in asshole school? The line irks me even more because it sounds like the girl has no life and she herself doesn't have anything to do. No fool, you make time for what you want, no matter how busy you are.

If people were honest (to themselves and each other) relationships would be much easier.

So my girl told me a story the other day: She got home after work and school, to meet her boyfriend watching football. She enters the kitchen to cook and is suddenly filled with annoyance and irritation. Her boo is still in high spirits even yelling TOuchdown! He must have noticed and tells her not to bother herself, that he will order since she is tired. SHe tells me this and I am wondering what the problem is? SHe says you are missing the point, the point is: This is what my life will be like, I am annoyed and irritated and his mood is all content. If we get married and add kids to the mix, I have to come home and cater to a man and children and I am annoyed that this is it. On the flip side, he is probably thinking that this is the life, I can get used to this being catered to, watching football, life is good. I probably didn't narrate it well but peoples I cracked up really hard.

Lately, I have been seeing like a HUGE flock of black birds just flying together and staying together and I have to say it freaks me out.

So cell phone usage and driving is against the law. Does that apply to smoking and driving too?

Why can't we just spell olodo like it is? I'm probably just old but I don't get the "olowdow" spelling, it irks the hell outta me.

Lately people have been guessing that I am like 21 or 22. Emm, I guess I am flattered.

I think I should make a resolution to explore recipes after I graduate from school. Lucid I still have the ones you sent me handy, just haven't had time to use.

Let me express some contributions to my "depression". I went to get sized for a bridesmaids dress, they measure your bust, waist and hips to get your size. Per my bust, I am a size 6.Per my waist, I am a size 10. Per my hips, I am a size 16. Yes, 1 and 6. She now put ? by my size because she couldn't figure it out. Doesn't that sound freakish? I wasn't happy at all sha.

My friend the other day said that she was "anti fine girls" lol, as per the chics that are so gorgeous and all. Me I thought about it and said I am "anti people in love". Lol, that's hilarious seeing as 3/4, if not more of my friends are in love. I'm just a hater tho and its all jokes o, before i get crucified.

I don't own an ipod like the rest of the world, so when I want to say something I get stuck because I am like do I say "My zune is on point" or "My mp3 player" or do i just say "my ipod" and hope noone notices and I am just saying it to make the story go easier. I love my zune sha.

To me, moist is just a dirty word. So when I hear oh that cake is so moist, it takes me a moment to adjust.

I need to learn how to say fine when asked how i am.

If anyone caught that Tyler Perry interview on Oprah, it was deep. There were so many relateable things and lessons that he said.

I always wonder about the accents of people like Kelsey Grammar or Christopher Plummer who sound british but are not.

Oh, watching the SOund of Music reunion, is it weird that my first thought was, "wow, 45 years later and everyone of them is still alive?"

PRAYER REQUEST: For everyone looking for that peace in their heart and looking for guidance and happiness while just being the best person that they can, that God provides the guidance and wisdom that is needed. AMEN

PS So yes indeed, I went ahead and went down a 15 story building as mentioned. I am not going to lie and say I was brave. I climbed the ledge with half my feet out and grabbed the hand of the cop (we had the SWAT team below and above), he was cute sha then they told me to lean back in a 45 degree angle. I heard the cars whizzing by on the freeway and I almost cried, I told him I couldn't then all of a sudden i just went down and it was fine till half way through when I couldn't feel my legs on the wall anymore, at this point I was screaming "Save me! Help me!" but emm noone could hear me, so i flailed down and long and short, I got down to the bottom into the arms of 2 very muscled SWAT team members. I volunteered to be the first to go down and I am proud I did it, it's part of facing my fears becos I am terrified of heights. I shook for a good 20 mins after. I don't think I will ever do it again.

So below is a video to give you an idea. It is not me in the video, but that is basically what I did.I haven't gotten my pics or video yet, just wanted you guys to get a taste. Have a blessed weekend and if you can please keep me in your prayers.



Ms.O said…
hmmmm Its not friday yet...I don't see any randoms!!!!
RepOne said…
I complain bout my weight to whoever is listening while i'm on my rant.

Hear! Hear!@ "I was busy" Mscheww. playlist is on point? altho i'd just say 'my zune'

AMEN! same to you.
Etoile Oye said…
6+10=16. lol. I don't get why we complain about our weight, really. Unless you are on medication that is causing you to bloat, you know the cause of the gain. I guess it's empathy we want - I think skinny girls enjoy complaining abt their minuscule weight gains to heavier people. When you tell them they are fine, they then think 'how would u knw? u think I want to become like you?' #just saying!
isha said…
I thought the gist about the sound of music cast is that the youngest one, the 'baby' died before the movie even came out?

"you make time for what you WANT to make time for" - Word.
kay9 said…
tell the person who's mis-spellin olodo to please go back to school.

about the busy excuse, hey c'mon, babes use it too (did they go to asshole school, too?). i dont fault it all the time tho, sometimes the person really WAS busy.

so u look 22? mmm, nice! ;)

last time i saw Christopher Plummer was in Mortal Kombat, eons ago! is he still around?
kay9 said…
aww shit, did a re-check; its Christopher Lambert, not Christopher Plummer.
my bad :)
Shadenonconform said…
Yay to randoms!!

I didn't know Oprah had a reunion with the sound of music cast! I'm soooooo bummed. That's amazing. I swear, I used to watch the movie everyday without fail when i was in primary school. Suffice to say i came back home one day to find the tape missing...My dad had destroyed it:(

Skinny girl guilty as charged. My friends tell me that too. But i honestly complain about my weight not because i want to get sympathy or whatever but because when i gain a little wight my back and sides hurt at times. But in the past 6 months, i haven't complained at all. Progress..Yeah the "I was busy line" by any person, both male and female, is pure BS. You do make time for what you want and like. Amen to the honesty in relationships. Too true...About your friend and her boyfriend, since she's had that realization now, she should take steps to address them before and if she intends to get married to said guy. Again back to your honesty and communication comment on relationships...Your freaking out over flocks of flying black birds is one kind one kind. Lol. Not sure about the smoking and driving law. Who the hell spells Olodo like Olowdow? Smcheew. The crap people come up with..Nice on the age compliment ish..That's always a good thing...Pele about the measurement lady. Is she mathematically challenged or something? I am such a "pro beautiful girls and guys" person. But I'm sometimes an anti-love person but i usually give in sometimes:) Double amen to the prayer. Girl you are brave!!! That's so great...Wowzers...Now i have no excuse...You gotta love fine officers though...Sigh..

Oh and i just had a moist bran muffin:)
Miss Enigma said…
I missed the Oprah show, fell asleep :( bummer

I totally understand wat ur friends means about this is it; thats hw it starts and when u begin to want to chnge it after marriage, he'll tell her but u never complained before.

Wat were u doing dt u were coming dwn a 15 story building biko? My liver no reach o!

I'm really really tiny, and i wanna gain just 5-8pounds and as small as dt is it is an issue for me :( I dnt tlk bout it bcos I feel ppl will say this skinny bitch u dnt hve a probably; but to me it bothers me.

Have a fabulous weekend!!!!
Ms.O said…
Lol..yay its here now!

I complain about my weight to whoever brings it up...

THIS!!!!! "If people were honest (to themselves and each other) relationships would be much easier"

LOL! this is how I started saying olowdow.. a friend of mine said something and I said olowdow..he said yehhhh who says olodo with and we started saying olowdow as an inside a bunch of people say it too...#shrug

Oprah show was awesome!

Oh wow! You did it!! I want to go bungee jumping for my borthday!
LucidLilith said…

This is soooooooo awesome!!!!!!
YOu go! I am so proud of you.

Pls use the recipes abeg.

Did you get the SWAT guys' number???

neuyogi said…
wish there was a way to catch reruns of oprah...
Ah, weight and the woman c'est tres complicated.

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