Happy Birthday

Just popped in to wish my little baby, Blogger Neefemi, a wonderful wonderful birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day. Wishing you a lifetime full of music, since music is your opium lol. Stay blessed and enjoy your day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MUAH!

Oh, its also Myne's birthday, so happy birthday to the most efficient commenter ever. Hope you and the hubby do something fun.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Nutty J. said…
Music is her heroine...

Happy Birthday to her too
Nee Fe Mi said…
I love you so much, Thank you. God Bless you. Amen and Amen. Muahhhhh

Happy Birthday again Myne

Thank you so much Nutty
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday to Neefemi.. Sh always talks about (on her blog)
and to Myne..
Have fun..
Mamuje said…
Happy Birthday Neefemi and Myne. I wish you both all of God's blessings. IJN. Amen,
LucidLilith said…
Go Nefe -
It's your birthday
You gotta party like -
It's your birthday -

Happy birthday to Neefemi
Anonymous said…
happy birthday! belated.

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