SheWolf in the Closet, My Ass!

Excuse my recent blog title but anyone who is on my facebook should have an idea of what I am about to rant about. So I just saw Shakira's "Shewolf" video. (Youtube if you can, as usual MTN is PMSing and won't allow me find a video. the full length one might be in spanish). Anyways, I like Shakira but as I watched the video, I felt anger slowly rise in me and by the end I was utterly and thoroughly vexed.

You see, I totally get the music business is still a business. I totally get that sex sells but seriously at this point I feel insulted. If you watched the video, I dare you to tell me that you did not see Beyonce, Ciara and Madonna in that video even though Shakira was the one dancing? They are all trying to show us that they are the sexiest and the bendiest of them all. I mean Shakira should have just gone naked, why wear a flesh colored leotard? just prancing around her monkey cage, feeding me her juiceless ass cheek..uuughhh! whoooosah! I mean does anyone see my point? I don't have to speak about Ciara, who seems to be stripping more and more as her album sales fall. I dunno what the solution is but nna, I need a break from the Bendy-Sexy, biko.

In other news, I don't know if I am interesting enough but I thought it'd be cool if I did a getting to know Taynement better kinda deal. So if anyone had any questions they'd like me to answer, please feel free to email them at I would be listing the names of the questions with the blogger who asked, if you prefer to remain anonymous please let me know.

Y'all have a happy pre-friday's eve!:D


chayomao said…
So i am not the only one? Mehn, i cldnt even watch it to the end. This is why me like Keri Hilson.
CIL said…
I saw that video for the first time yesterday in a restaurant and I was thoroughly disgusted! I was sooooo going to blog about it (if I had a blog... LOL) Like seriously what's sexy about ribcages?... As in ewwwww... I FEEL YOU!

I used to like shakira but that video totally turned me off!
Anonymous said…
I also couldn't watch it to the end...
Roc said…

Brb.. Off to youtube..
Roc said…
Lol.. Okay.. I see where you're coming from..

The part I don't get is why she kept sticking her finger in her mouth?
Original Mgbeke said…
I actually like the song. I'll go watch the vid and get back at cha.
BSNC said…
i have only seen bits of the video.

lol what do you mean, you are interesting now...
Reverence said…
I have to go look at this video. for some reason my interest in shakira is somewhat non existent.

in other news, i passed!! on to section 3!
Unknown said…
didnt see the video on youtube
kay9 said…
Havn't watched d video but i sure as hell catch yo flow. Heck, i've had that feeling as far back as La Totura. She can bend, so fcuking what? Damn, so can my noodle!

@chyoma: yea Keri is tight... for now; sooner or later they ALWAYS take that down-turn.

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