3six5NG Project

Hi Guys,

Incase you haven't heard of it, the #3Six5NG project is a project I heard about from blogger, RustGeek. It's a pretty cool project and aims to have 365 posts in 365 days from a Nigerian perspective on any topic. In other words "creating a crowd sourced diary of Nigerian perspectives from 365 people for 365 days. Inspired by the Len Kendall and Daniel Honigman created the3six5, we’d set out to create our own ‘local’ the3six5, for Nigeria and Nigerians".

They project kicked off in March and they are looking for contributors, just so I don't botch the whole premise, I'll copy and paste what I was sent and encourage you to sign up for one of the days, it's a pretty cool thing to be part of.

A few years ago, I stumbled on the excellent the3six5 project; founded and curated by two Chicago based techies - Len Kendall and Daniel Honigman. Over the course of 2011 I would get the opportunity to contribute one piece to what was essentially a crowd sourced diary, as @funkolaani and@tonianni. The principal objective of the project was to pull together 365 perspectives of the world - in 365 words and pictures - from 365 different people. Reading through the archives at the original the3six5 site recently, I was reminded of how much variety and nuance such a project can generate, an impact perhaps most measurable by its spawning of local editions - most notable being the3six5chicago which was eventually migrated to an online paper. There was also a local Denver edition and a Sinclair one (both no longer active it seems). Unfortunately, after a three year run, the original 3six5 project came to an end on December 31st, 2012.

Over the last few days, the idea of seeding a local edition - a 'Nigerian' the3six5 - came to mind as a possible project we could progress through 2013. Besides Dan and Len's original guidelines, the only other consideration would be that for this to be truly a local edition, every potential author have a Nigerian connection of some sort.

Critical Success Factors
Two critical success factors for such a project invariably are the people whose perspective of the world we are looking to curate as well as being able to provide the time and resource required to run the project on an on-going basis. This is where you can help and participate - in one of three main ways. 
  1. Contribute your perspective of the world: Every one has a worldview which colours our perspective of the world and our interpretation of events as they unfurl. If you are able to contribute at least one of such 'journal' entries - potentially up to three - we would be keen to speak/email/communicate with you. This journal entry will be a 365 word commentary on the day as it has unfurled around you - it may be something as significant as a change you are working through or as simple as a new recipe for soup you have created - with an appropriate graphic and a 160 word bio. Again, the 3six5 guidelines provide a good summary of what the requirements will be. 
  2. Contribute your time to edit/moderate the project: We recognise that running and curating such a project will be a significant time investment, as Len alluded to on twitter when we first started publicly exploring the opportunity. If you are able and willing to contribute up to a month of your time to help with running the project, please do get in touch. This will typically involve being in touch with the designated poster for the given day(s) within the period you’ll be moderating, making a few tweaks to ensure the post fits the 365 word limit and posting the entry to this shared blog.
  3. Spread the word: Reaching a critical mass of contributors is a significant component to making this succeed. We NEED your help to spread the word and reach out to your friends, acquaintances, family members  - and dare I say foes - who could potentially be interested in being involved in any of the above ways.
We are reachable by a variety of means - 
We are looking to get things properly running for a March 1st start, and look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.. :) 

Thanks and Regards,
The3six5ng Team 



TheRustGeek said…
Thanks for sharing.. :)
Berry Dakara said…

Hey lady, been a million and one whiles :p


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