My 3 Day Cleanse - Day 1

So I have been meaning to do a cleanse since the beginning of the year. I really just felt like my body went through a lot of crap last year and I ingested a lot of drugs. The anasthesia from my surgery this time around wasn't so nice to me either and if it makes any sense, I just felt dirty inside. So anyways, I have read and seen a lot of people go on about the benefits of cleansing, so I figured by January, my body should be recovered and I could also flush out all the junk I ate in Naij hehe. Well I came back all determined and it was just so expensive - I have gotten a lot of flack for wanting to buy as opposed to juicing myself but yea, I don't have enough time to sit and be juicing and I don't trust that I will have enough nutrients for the three days and ultimately, I wanted to. So I stalked and found a $99 deal on GroupOn (as a self diagnosed addict) and since I had a credit with them I only paid about $50. Life happened and I didn't get the opportunity to start it till today.

So the one I am doing is Jus by Julie based in Brooklyn, NY. You basically tell them when you want them to deliver and they do next day shipping in a reusable cooler bag and ice packs. The rules are 6 bottles a day every 2-3 hours. Only thing you can have is tea or coffee with truvia or stevia, steamed veggies, sugarless gum and egg whites. Below is the breakdown of each bottle:

  • Bottle 1 - Morning Glory - romaine, celery, spinach, apple, kale, banana and strawberry. I am sure in all of the green they only threw in half a strawberry and half a banana. I honestly couldn't finish it. It tasted like Ewedu in a bottle and I just discarded it.
  • Bottle 2 - Spicy Lemonade - lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper - so by this time my head was spinning and I was thinking of all the different foods I could have and trying to remember why I was doing it. But I liked this a lot and was a welcome change from the Ewedu bottle.
  • Bottle 3 - Sweet Spin - spinach, kale, pineapple, banana, mango - so I was looking forward to this. All the reviews said this was their favorite and ingredients wise I expected a lot but meh. I didn't care for it. It was better than ewedu bottle but I was let down and definitely preferred the Spicy Lemonade.
  • Bottle 4 - Chia Berry - strawberries, chia seeds, lemon and pomegranate - this is supposed to be the sweet one to help with sugar cravings and i loved it. It was my last bottle at work and I didn't even finish it. I screwed up my timing but I finished it at home
  • Bottle 5 - Island Coconut - coconut meat & water, date, cinnamon - Again, everyone raved about this as the "dessert" drink but again it was a meh for me. I don't like coconut water and I am also not a fan of milk so for me it was just there.
  • Bottle 6 - Sweet Spin again. I haven't had it and I don't know if I will cuz I think I am just gonna go sleep. I should find out if its okay to do 5 instead of 6.
Overall, yes it was a tough day. I was/am hungry, I didn't even go near the cafeteria so I won't burst into tears. My coworker was chewing on celery and I felt envy. imagine, for celery. At work, I really thought I'd race home and make some egg whites but I haven't and probably won't. A lot of people said they missed chewing stuff but that hasn't been a problem for me. Oh yea, a lot of peeing has been going on and I find that annoying and quite disruptive. I usually work out with my friend after work but nna, energy no dey not even to walk. I can't wait for this to be over. Also, I don't know why people do this for weight loss if they are gonna go back to eating normally it doesn't make sense. Oh well, looking forward to bed time so I can get day 2 over and done with. I miss foooood! I'll keep you guys updated on day 2.


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