4 in one Week.
Wow, was last week not something? 4 celeb deaths in one week. Besides, the death of an entertainment great - Mr Michael Jackson himself, there was also Farah Fawcett, Ed Mcmahon and Billy May ( the dude who did the oxiclean informercials). RIP to them all. Due to my limited internet connection I can't pay M.J real tribute the way I would like with videos and pictures but say what you want about him the man was blessed with talent and I dare you to disagree. Wherever you are in the world, I am sure you have been inundated with videos and montages of M.J's life from childhood, the man was most comfortable on stage, I mean even when he began to look scary looking when he was on stage sometimes he looked dare I say it...sexy (lol, no kill me oh). All this talk about pedophilia, IMHO(In my humble opinion), I really don't think he did anything sexual, as far as I am concerned MJ was asexual and had no interest in sex. I truly believe, his development stopped in his mind as a litt...