I know I Should Blog...

....but I honestly can't think of a single thing to blog about. Which is funny, because I have been having trouble sleeping lately and the only time that happens is when I have stuff on my mind. I should be able to pull a topic from the clusterfuck that's my mind eh? Well just checking in and for the person who bugged my ear off today in my sleepless stupor about not blogging consistently and being tired of seeing the same blogpost, hope this is different enough for you hehehe.

Have a wonderful week ahead, y'all.


Anonymous said…
when in doubt, go random.. Thought you had a patent for that?
kitkat said…
awww cmon!.. dnt give up on blogging.
Sisi Yemmie said…
IT happened to me too. couldnt think of a single thing to write....
Rita said…
Sorry oh! I hope whatever it is on your mind clears off soon...please take it easy.

@dhjax: - lol, please don't find her trouble :-)
Reverence said…
i have an idea! you could blog about things that have happened to you. like say in the past 2 months :)
Shadenonconform said…
Hear hear. Sigh..

Ditto dhjax. Just random..

Ps: i like the word "clusterfuck". haha..

Word verif: payscra. huh?
Yankeenaijababe said…
I can't figure out what the name is called. Is it not writer's block?lol Can't wait for your next post girl.
Myne said…
We've been missing the randoms. Hope your mind gets less cluttered soon. One needs their beauty sleep.

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