Death and all it's friends

I follow the movie critic Roger Ebert on Twitter. Way back when I was broke as hell and couldn't afford cable, I caught his show every weekend unfailingly. I started watching when I came to America which was right when his movie critic partner Siskel passed away. I watched every episode that served as an audition for a replacement and watched as he picked the person I liked the least, Richard Roeper. I respect Roger Ebert as a critic, because he isn't as pretentious as most of the others and he "gets it". I was saddened when he got cancer and lost his speech and watched his countless interviews showing how he was coping and his genuine love for his wife (who is black btw). He may have lost his voice but not his spirit as you can see from his tweets. A few days ago, I tweeted about wondering how he felt given the numerous deaths he kept posting about. Coincidentally, today he wrote an article that addressed it - I remember you. I liked it a lot and was just an introspective look on something that will happen to us all eventually.

Here's the article -

Here's an excerpt that touched me: "They exist in my mind--in countless minds. But in a century the human race will have forgotten them, and me as well. Nobody will be able to say how we sounded when we spoke. If they tell our old jokes, they won't know whose they were.

That is what death means. We exist in the minds of other people, in thousands of memory clusters, and one by one those clusters fade and disappear. Some years from now, at a funeral with a slide show, only one person will be able to say who we were. Then no one will know"



neuyogi said…
read the entire article and it was beautiful...
Toinlicious said…
Which is why we shuld strive for something worth leaving behind :)

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