Zya Felix

A few years ago, I did a post on the Zya Felix purse collection. Well, that was a few years ago and Zya Felix has undergone a revamp and transformation. I have known Zya Felix Owner and CEO for over 10 years ago. I am pretty sure we met in the high school cafeteria through a mutual friend of ours. We clicked instantly and became friends. We aren't the kind of friends that gist every single day. We see each other every once in a while but then we pick up right where we left off. Anyways, it's been really cool seeing an idea turn into reality. We all know the drill, we sit all day thinking about if we could do this or if we could do that and never really get it done. For all those that get to achieve their dreams, I never hesitate to give them their kudos, cuz that is not an easy feat. Which is why I am oh so very proud of my friend for going through with her dream and putting in all that hard work and sleepless nights. Check out the pictures below and if you like what you see, she will be running a special: All purchases for a limited time on the site will get free shipping with coupon code "freeship" on items over $70 OR 10% purchases over $50 dollars using "ZFLaunch10"
Feel free to visit the website at www.zyafelix.com Have a lovely weekend guys! ">


Myne said…
Lovely bags. The music and video even more so :)

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