Relationships + Technology

Post is a bit disjointed but nyeh.

Boy meets Girl. Boy and Girl have good convo. Boy and girl exchange numbers. Boy and Girl talk a lot. Boy gets to understand Girl and vice versa and a relationship is born. I tell you people I am fascinated by the whole thing. How two people from completely different walks of life and background get together find a common ground and decide to build a life together.It's amazing! Anyways like I mentioned in randoms I went to a german restaurant and there was a couple sitting by the corner, they were old, like really old, found out the guy was 90. My friend told me they came to this restaurant every wednesday and saturday and they sit at the same place. For me, true love is when I see old people into each other, holding hands et al. Anyways, there they were chatting and laughing together and the one that got me everytime the band played a song, they got up...and danced. These people were so old they were hunched, but they danced at every song, they were the only ones on the dancefloor but I don't think they cared. After each song, he would walk her to her chair, hold it out for her and stand there till she sat down and my friend made a comment, " You just don't see that anymore".

It might be totally unrelated but I started thinking about old school love vs love in this day and age and I thought maybe it could be technology? for instance you don't need to open the door anymore because we now have pim pim aka remote, no need to write poems or odes because email dey, no need to whisper sweet nothings because text don land. I exaggerate but with the bad comes the good. Long distance relationships wouldn't be at a high if not for skype, bb, instant message etc, it was just a thought that I had. Ultimately sha, I wish everyone that kind of long time love that endures all and lasts that long till our old age. Amen.


NakedSha said…

I'm still very much for the old time religion (LOVE).

And, until my fingers bend and my bones become weak, I will never stop writing my lovely letters.

Etoile Oye said…
very valid observation... the best proof of love is growing old together. i wish you that too.
Nice Anon said…
old time love.. always been the best way to do it.
lol@ pim pim. HE heeeeeeeee
Shadenonconform said…
True true. I feel like elderly couples often embody what love/marriage can or should be...

Like Nakedsha, i still love writing letters (granted they are either hand written or sent via e-mail) :)
Young Grumbler said…
Lol @ pim-pim...!
Gosh, I live for hand written notes and letters - I have letters dating back 10 years sef. Technology has proven to be both a blessing and a curse, making us lazy now. I mean you get folks just outright toasting you on bbm now...
Me sef, I want old time love like that o...amen!
Willy said…
I'm not sure chivalry is dead simply because of modern conveniences. I just think that people simply do not appreciate it anymore. I'd bet that the old couple had a semi-modern car with "pim-pim" but he still opened the door for her to get in. I think it's more of a societal pradaigm shift which values more instant gratification than the time it takes to grow and nurture a mature relationship with all the trimmings.

By the way, chivalry isn't just linked to romance, it should be just the way things are but today you hold a seat for a girl at a naija party and everyone thinks you're some corny guy trying desperately to holla. Ah well.
Original Mgbeke said…
I love to see old people in love too.
Nutty J. said…
I agree with u (strongly) that modern technology has taken the sweetness of in those days love away.....

In addition to what u said, There is now a high level of unfaithfulness bcos a man knows his girl wouldnt come to his place without calling he has time to draw his map.

And many more...

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