Come what may

Happy hump day folks. I feel like I should apologize for my recent posts of just songs on here but it's my blog abi? I actually think if i put my mind to it, I could express myself with just songs. I had a mini road trip today and that always equals reconnecting with songs I haven't heard in forever. I might as well tell you there is no rhyme or reason to this post and I have no point at all. Like Monica said, "just one of those days", well except in this case it means so much to say but nothing will be said. I think I'll go get myself a drink (sidebar: it's pretty easy to be an alcoholic sha). There won't be any randoms this week, so have yourself a lovely weekend. I intend to have a good one by God's grace. :)

I think I know the Moulin Rouge soundtrack word for word from beginning to end.



LadyNgo said…
LOL, even though i can't stand my commute to job 1 & 2, i am always so happy to be in the car cuz that means i have an excuse to listen to my music and sing and dance around without anyone giving me dirty looks...except maybe other drivers on the road lol
Roc said…
Monica though?

You do know that quote is at least a decade old, right?
tunrayo said…
I can so relate to the Moulin Rouge OST (its been on repeat for a week now, it and Florence+the machine's Ceremonials album), and the randomness of a string of thoughts, and thinking in song lyrics (in my case add movie quotes and book lines to it and we are good).

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