Touch Down Yankee

So I am back. Just got in a few hours ago and it was a loooong and tedious journey but I finally made it home safe and sound, bags intact and all and for that I thank Baba God. Happy New Year guys!!. Hope everyone had a wonderful new year, I had a good one. For one, compared to last year, I wasn't in the air feeling sorry for myself. I was with loved ones surrounded by too much food. I still didn't get a new year kiss though :(. One day....

Naija was fun. Naija is always fun.Unfortunately, I can't get into major, major details :D, so just take my word for it. It was good seeing a lot of friends and hanging out and just enjoying myself with no worries. Nepa was so good to me (yes me), in the two weeks that I was there, I didn't sleep without light not for one day (can you believe that?). I took leaving harder than I thought I would, I was actually really bummed and wished I could spend more time but back to reality jare. Operation Get Taynement to move was in effect and my cousin says he is going to get me back even if it's for a year lol.

If you haven't already seen me tweet this, I have to share what the customs guy said to me when I got in. After, singling me out for a search, I was wheeling my suitcase in and he said "did you bring bushmeat?". Before I could get over that shock, he went through my suitcase, found nothing ( I honestly came back with nothing, I swear I must have lost my brain, I didn't even come back with music or my regular staple of groundnuts, nothing I tell you) anyways, he goes, "You mean, you didn't even bring hair?". I guess our people be rolling into the country with bush meat and brazilian hair?? Either way, I shook my head for my country. Let's not even get into details of what's going on now with the fuel subsidy and all. May God help the average man/woman in that country.

I am truly grateful for the grace of seeing the new year and thankful for last year. I will be doing my Taking Stock 2011 post soon and will put it up when I'm done. I'll try to be as honest as I can.

Oh p.s can I share that when we did the midnight prayer to ring in the new year, all the girls in the house were made to pray a spinster prayer for 2012 to be the "year of marriage bells" lmaoooo.

Alright guys, have a wonderful week, I am going to find something to medicate my throat it's so raw and sore and I still have a cold. Need to get back in top health for the busy months ahead at work. Laters!!


mizchif said…
Ms. Tayne!!!!!!!
Lagos will miss you.
Note that i shall now be majorly famzing with you now.

Oh and of course part of my mother's new year prayer was that this shall be the year of her first aso ebi. As one does not have any serious toaster talkless of boyfriend.......i sha said Amen in faith.
CIL said…
CIL said…
Welcome back CILy... I kinda missed u! I'm mad you didn't bring me indomie and yay for moving back :D

I'll be a better commenter in 2012 so help me God :D
TheRustGeek said…
The mid night prayer thing is the reason I stopped spending christmas/ new year's around my extended family....... Sounds like you had fun.... That's always the baseline isn't it?
Original Mgbeke said…
No gala or shokomilo? :(

You seem like the type to abandon us in Yanks and relocate. Hmmph!

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