Things they did in a year

Hi guys, hope you are having a good week. Hang in there, you are almost halfway done. So I saw this in a magazine and thought I'd share because I thought it was pretty cool. It's a list of different things, different people did in the course of a year and then they wrote a book about it. I'll list the book title and what they did and if you want to buy the book or do what they did, knock yourself out!

Reading the OED - Someone who really likes words read all 20 volumes of the Original English Dictionary.

A devil to play - A man faced his midlife (crisis?) by learning to play the french horn.

The Year of No Money in Tokyo - An American in Japan coped with unemployment in Japan's recession.

Dogged Pursuit - A man trained a dog for a competition.

A Year without Underwear - I don't know why it's called this but after retiring from the Airforce, a colonel biked through 41 countries.

My Jesus Year - An Orthodox Jew tried Christianity.

The Year of Eating Dangerously - A Brit food lover traveled the world eating weird stuff that included insects.

The Year I saved my downsized soul - A lady wrote how she survived a recession in the U.S

My Year inside Radical Islam - A man worked for an Islamic Radical charity.

A Year without Made in China - A family boycotted all goods made in China.

A Year of Mornings - Two friends who are 3,191 miles apart made sure to take pictures every morning before 10am.

Not Buying It - My Year without Shopping - A woman trying to save money, attempted to purchase just essential goods.

The Happiness Project - (my personal favorite). A woman attempts to lighten up.

Living Oprah - A woman lives a year following Oprah's lifestyle advice.

Living a Year of Kaddish - After his father's death, a man says kaddish everyday.

A Year of Sundays - An old couple takes their cat and goes on a year long European Tour.

The Year of Yes - (most interesting) A woman said yes to every man who asked her out.

Eat This Book - A man tries to win eating contests.

Julie and Julia - A blogger (like us!) cooks everything in Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking".

The Year of Living Biblically - An agnostic man follows the bible for a year.

That was the list, which do you find most interesting? And is there anything you have always wanted to do for a year? Feel free to dish.


leggy said…
ill love to do anyone with food...maybe ill finally gain weight.
Kash said…
The one about a year of Yes...that would be HARD for me...As in, I can't even imagine the riff raffs I'd be going out with. lol
Rita said…
See accomplishments...

I really admire Julie and Julia, and for a moment I thought I could follow after Julie, but u know now, it is not so easy to blog everyday...
Myne said…
I love the Happiness project, I was just motivated and challenged when I saw the website and then it was on a show on NPR.
Harry said…
Wow... I need too dod at with Kiss and Tell
Nee Fe Mi said…
i would love to read the "Year of Mornings" - i really want a camera too, start taking pictures - but i also want to do Julie and Julia, since i saw the movie too - ha, if dreams came true
Anonymous said…
would love to travel for a year....
....the happiness project sounds cool.....
Anonymous said…
I love the year of mornings one. Hehe, me and temi :D x
LucidLilith said…
Call me cynical but if any of us had to write a book about what we did in a year...well...mine would go something like this:

Almost got fired
Quit Job
Travel across the States
Slept on friend's couch
Got broke
Found job in recession
Ate chicken noodle soup and Ramen noodles for a month
Slept on a blanket for a month in new diggs
Bought stuff from salvation army
Saved money
Appreciated GOD in a whole new way.

Just got a raise. In a recession.
My friend just started this thing where she will play the Florida Lotto every Friday for a whole year, and I seriously am about to join her! LOL! Get rich or die trying!!!!

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