Harmless Flirting and a Few of my Favorite Ads

Hi guys, I am 4 days late but can you believe we are in May? phew, I might as well say Happy New Year sef lol, just kidding. Ok about harmless flirting, I was thinking the other day, if you are in a relationship, would you be ok with your S.O flirting(harmlessly as in flirting and that's it, won't lead to anything else). Some may argue that there is no such thing as harmless flirting..but in my own pov I would be okay with it as long as it's not in front of me. I will smile at the man at the grocery checkout but not if my husband is there, that's disrespectful...

well I had a whole blog post complete with videos of my favorite commercials after searching for almost 2 hours and this was all that saved, so this is all I post. You can complete it as you will. Have a good week.


neuyogi said…
hee hee harmless flirting sounds like fun. i want in on it.
Nee Fe Mi said…
kini big deal? and that sucks about not finding your post...yes o happy new month, it will be a blessed one
Myne said…
Is that what harmless flirting is? Smiling? You mean I'm supposed to bone everyone from now on? LOL...just joking but seriously I smile, joke and laugh with other men even with SO there. Flirting will mean batting my eyes, flicking my hair, touching my body or theirs, now that I will not do anymore, it is certainly not harmless.
Nice Anon said…
Harmless flirting? Hmmmm
Tatababe said…
Hmmn I'm not so sure I'll be okay with that....how u dey now?
Like joke, like joke sha we're in May already.
Original Mgbeke said…
Yeah if harmless flirting = smiling then it sounds okay.
Anything beyond that will get my red eye and fool better not do it behind my back either.

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